Visiting the Christmas Market with Ivar would include...

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- Since the first Christmas Markets would open in the middle of November already, Ivar and you would never be too excited about them right away

- Though, when at some point the first snow would fall, you couldn't really resist on a quiet Saturday evening

- The streetlights would make the snow glitter even more as you would make your way towards the music and the smell of cinnamon and cloves that would directly guide you to the little market

- You would look at people presenting their knitted hats and gloves, selling their marmelades or candles while taking the time to have a little chat with everyone that would stop at their booths

- Ivar would convince you to buy a ticket for the wheel of fortune, which leaded to you winning a pair of socks with a smiling reindeer on it

- You would laugh at the picture, deciding to give them to him since they would be too big for you anyways

- He take them with a grin, kissing the crown of your head while putting them in his pocket

- When he would notice you starting to shiver even in your big jacket, he would gently put his arm around your shoulders, guiding you to the little wooden booth where he'd get you two steaming cups of mulled wine

- You would stay there a bit, listening to a group of kids playing flutes and trumpets, before you would start to make your way back home

- Ivar would hold you tight against him for you to not get cold, just stopping to buy a box of freshly baked cookies to take home when you had almost reached the end of the market

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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