Ivar taking you out for Tacos would include... (Modern!AU)

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- Taco Dates would be a reoccurring thing with Ivar, that all started at the very beginning of your relationship

- He would have taken you to a tiny Taco Place in his neighborhood for your third date. The restaurant didn't seem too impressive or flashy, they served the best tacos you had ever eaten though

- After a good two hours both of you were so full that neither of you could possibly engage in anyting that other people might have planned for the night after the third date

- You ended up coming to his place, where you both would fall asleep on the couch, with full tummys and a bad horror movie still on

- Maybe especially because of this rather unexpected turn, this kind of date became one of your favourites and Ivar would keep up the tradition even after years of dating

- You wouldn't have to get dressed up or anything, the place was cozy and casual, something both you loved about it

- The two of you would always sit on this little table next to a potted plant in the back corner of the room, which proved to always be a good idea since you two couldn't for the love of God manage to stay decent during food

- Ivar couldn't resist being a little shit and putting spicy sauce in your taco while you wouldn't pay attention

- You would soon get your revenge though, when a good splash of said spicy sauce would find its way into his coke

- You once managed to make him laugh so much that he choked on the bite that was still with his mouth, tried to wash it down with his drink but couldn't stop laughing so the coke ended up coming out through his nose

- This soon became your personal goal to try every time you were there

- The two of you would make it into a contest about who could stay the cleanest while eating... though both of you didn't really do that good of a job in general

- Every now and then you would get some judging looks from other people, to which Ivar would respond by doing faces at them until they were too embarassed to even look in your direction

- For some reason one of the waitresses would absolutely adore the two of you, sneaking some free scoops of ice cream to your table when no one would notice, which was also why Ivar would always leave a rather generous tip

- A bad old horror movie with cringy special effects was still one of your favourite things to do afterwards, though let's just say you wouldn't always just fall asleep on the couch

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