Ivar surprising you for your birthday would include...

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- Ivar wouldn't really be one to celebrate his own birthday, he didn't really care about it and said to him it was a day like any other

- Therefore it was quite surprising for you to what great lenghts he went when it came to your birthday

- The morning would start not much out of the ordinary. You could feel him shifting against you, his lips gently trailing from your cheek to your neck and collar bone, while his hand slowly snuck under the shirt of his you would wear to sleep... (leaving the rest of this to your imagination)

- When you would step out of the shower though a good hour later, the sound of your favourite band would blast from the sound system in the living room, sending a little smile over your face

- You would walk towards it, still in your bathrobe, just to find Ivar arranging a little trail of presents to lead you from the living room to the kitchen

- He would straighten his back and send you a smug grin.
"No cheating, kitten", he would say. "You're only allowed to see the kitchen when they are opened one by one"

- You didn't even know what to say, way too overwhelmed with all the effort he had put into this, and also way too curious with what he might hide in the kitchen

- From jewelry, over parfume to new books and art supplies you slowly made your way to the kitchen, having a hard time wrapping your mind around how this man could know you this well

- When you had finally made it to the kitchen, the smell of breakfast wrapped around you like a warm cozy blanket, making your stomach grumble in response

- What actually caught yout attention then was the laptop standing on the kitchen table, with three familiar faces smiling at you through the Skype window

- A tiny squeal escaped you lips as you sat down in front of your parents and brother, Ivar had actually arranged a Skype date so you could see them, even though they were way too far away for you to visit today

- You could feel strong arms wrapping around your shoulders, to which your family laughed a bit, before a kiss was pressed to your cheek.
"Out of words, love?", Ivar grinned before walking back to the kitchen counter to bring two huge plates with waffles, eggs, bacon and fruit.

- After breakfast Ivar would take you on a walk to the beach, it was where you two had been on your second date, where he had kissed you for the first time

- He would be holding you gently, wrapping you in his scarf as he'd notice you shiver from the icy winds that came across the sea

- As it would slowly get darker outside, he would guide you to one of your favourite restaurants. You had been there so many times and yet it always felt like the first time he took you there

- When you were coming back home in the evening, you couldn't stop telling him how much you enjoyed this birthday, how happy he had made you and how glad you were to have him

- With a little smile he started going through his pockets to pull out a little box of black velvet.
"I'm glad you liked it. I have one last present for you though"

- You would feel way overwhelmed with everything he had done, and honestly didn't know what else there could be that you could wish for.

- Well, that was until Ivar dropped on his knee, opening the little box to reveal a gleaming golden ring inside

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