Watching scary movies with Ivar would include...

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- A movie night would be the absolute favourite thing for Ivar to do in the fall, which is why he would be quick to ask you to come as soon as the leaves would start to turn brown

- He would get all kinds of candies and sugary drinks ready for the two of you, along with some blankets and a bunch of pillows to make sure it would be cozy

- When you would arrive he would be glad that you followed his advice to put on something comfortable, since he would just be wearing sweatpants and a simple shirt himself

- Ivar would casually slide his arm around you during the movies... of course only to make sure you wouldn't get too scared

- You would order pizza inbetween movies, though already starting to munch on the candies while waiting for it to arrive

- You would have to slightly scoot away from him everytime you'd plan to take a sip of your drink, since Ivar found a weird kind of joy in trying to scare you the very moment you were about to drink

- It would be the funniest thing to him how you would react to the jump-scares, though, if he would notice you actually getting scared he would be quick to try and distract you a bit or even turn off the movie

- He would then bring up some pretty old movies that would be more funny than scary to lighten your mood up a bit

- The two of you would laugh until your bellies hurt about horrible special effects and acting that would be way over-the-top

- Of course he would offer to bring you home, though after all those monsters you had seen you soon would come to the conclusion that it would probably be the "safest" if you'd just stay the night

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