Dorothy's Past

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With her wounds' scab in my heart,

Present there, 

Was also anger.

Towards the garden I proceeded,

And found the beauty sitting there.

With all my feelings and deep thoughts,

My stare,  was again towards her,

Standing there I deeply admired,

How she could smile with all sorrows,

Whether depressed or tired.

"Why do thee keep staring at me? "

Pitied, I went inside,

With her question unanswered.

With my merciless sister by my side,

This is what I asked her,

"Every person,

Has merits and demerits,

But why did thee do this to the girl?

For by your actions,

Cruelty has crossed it's limits."

"If thou are talking about Dorothy,

I feel agitated when I see her,  brother.

Her ugliness so reflecting,

Her voice as crooked as a frog."

Hearing this, my heart tore apart,

I felt that my sister had to be slaughtered,

But my anger had to be controlled,

And questions and taunts,

To be rolled,

"That is no reason for such a cruel act"

"Brother,  if thou want to hear Dorothy's past

Prepared thee should be,

To stand it...

Dorothy, a girl she was as loveable as a dove,

But a man had come to our village,

And then both fell in love.

After marriage,

They both  left, but it seemed that they had a fight,

Dorothy came back to our village,

Saying the person wasn't right.

Then years later,

Another man came,

But Dorothy's fate so bad,

The person wasn't right again,

This time she'd arrived with a hundred thousand francs.

Everyone came to know,

That this witch wanted only francs,

In her view,

All men are different brands.

So bad from that girl we wanted salvation,

But that in Jesus' hands it is,

So we kept that witch in isolation. "

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