1. strictly business

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I walk up the familiar steps up to Edward's office with my heels echoing behind me.

It's around eight in the evening and I try not to get nervous about the time. It's late. It's past business hours anyway. I keep telling myself that Edward asking me to come in tonight is not the major disaster that I am imagining. Even when I know that Edward always schedules our meetings weeks in advance and we weren't due for a meeting until two weeks from today. The fact that Nicholas didn't mention this in the morning at work is also making me feel uneasy. It feels like this meeting is a big balloon waiting to pop.

Usually when you are called in for a meeting with your husband and his lawyer, you know that it's most likely not about good news. Husband. It's been a year and the fact that I am married is still hard to believe sometimes, even if our marriage is not an ordinary one. It's no accident that I'm married to Nicholas Collins and there is a signed contract somewhere in Edward's office to prove that.

We usually meet once a month with Edward to go over any concerns or questions about it. I never have any. Our meetings usually consist of us having a drink and listen to Edward gush about his kids or Nicholas talking about his plans for the company. COLLINS CO was created a few years ago. Most of the work back then was done thanks to Nicholas' father, Richard Collins, who is a successful actor and business man. When I met Nicholas five years ago during freshman year of college, Nicholas already knew exactly what he wanted to do: he wanted to take over the company. Richard didn't just hand it over to him and it's secretly something I've always admired from him. He made Nicholas earn it by going to school for a degree in Business and working for the company as any other employee. The brand has grown a lot over the years. It began as clothing for men and then for women. Now it also has a selection of purses and shoes. It's a big, well-known brand that everyone in the industry recognizes.

I get to proudly say that I am the fashion designer of the COLLINS company which is still so surreal to me. I love going to work every morning and it makes me feel like I've actually accomplished something in life. Of course, there's that little voice in my head to remind me that I had a little help but I also know that I have talent. Yes, marrying Nicholas Collins definitely helped me in giving me the huge opportunity of working in the company. This marriage gave me the platform I needed and while it does make me feel less satisfaction sometimes, I know that I wouldn't have accomplished everything I have so far without my talent for designing. I know I'm good. A few artists have worn some of my designs to award shows to prove it.

I know I've accomplished a lot and I tell myself over and over that I can keep it going even if I lose my position as Nicholas Collins' wife. I'll still have my talent and now the experience to continue to do what I love. It won't all be over...

Still, it doesn't mean that it's something I want to deal with. I'm finally in a place where I am happy with my career and I've gotten used to being Nicholas' wife. Why does that have to change?

You know why, Rachel...

Yes, I know and I am almost certain that I know why Edward and Nicholas have asked me to come here tonight. I begin to brace myself. I'm a strong, independent woman. I can do this. No tears. I can't cry and seem weak. I have to be strong and, most importantly, I can't show them how much I don't want to lose any of this. Men are opportunists. You give them your weakness and desires and they'll use that to get what they want. Nicholas is an ambitious man. He's always been. He wouldn't have proposed the contract to me if he wasn't. Not everyone has the guts to ask their lawyer to write up a forty-two page marriage contract and then ask their friend from college to marry him. That happened a little over a year ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday. It's not everyday that your friend proposes to you out of the blue.

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