7. never been romantic

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When I walk out of my office, Nick is in the lobby talking with Eva and Colton, his brother.

Colton and Nick are very alike. They have the same dirty blond hair, the blue eyes, the height. Colton is a little buffer than Nick, I know he works out often. They're always wearing suits, I'm pretty sure Colton set that example considering he's oldest. Colton owns a club in the city called Barcode. It's a very successful club. Even celebrities go there. I've been there a few times and even I had fun.

Sometimes I wonder how proud their parents must feel to see their sons being such successful business owners. Their youngest brother, Derek, is looking at a very bright future in the modeling world, maybe acting too. And I know that Hannah, their only sister, has a real talent for designing. I guess it runs in the Collins blood. Their father is an Oscar winner for his acting after all.

"Hey," I say when I approach them. Nick seems a bit more relaxed so at least that's good.

"Hey, Rachel," Colton grins. "I was just telling Nick that we should go grab dinner together."

You might look at Colton and think he's an arrogant, rich, son of a bitch. Hell, that's what I thought when I met him. He intimidated me. But once I got to know him, I realized how kind he is. He's even more chirpier since he met Eva. I can tell he's very enthusiastic about the wedding and it worries me to see that Eva doesn't reflect that same energy. I keep trying to convince myself that she's just a very reserved person. I don't know how she is when it's just her and Colton. Besides, it is so none of my business.

I raise my eyebrows and look at Nick. "I'm in," I say.

Nick shrugs. "Well, there you go."

Colton chuckles. "You've really become that man, huh."

Nick rolls his eyes. "Shut up. You'll be me in a couple months."

"God forbid." Colton jokes.

I laugh with him and turn to look at Eva, expecting her to be laughing. She's not. She's looking at me but she's not even smiling. Geez. What does Colton see in her? I hope it's not just about looks. I really want to believe she's a teddy bear on the inside.

Nick and Colton walk behind us as we make our way into the elevator. They always do this. I think they hope that Eva and I become friends but I really don't see that happening at all. Once we're in the elevator, I switch places with Colton and stand next to Nick. I do it subtlety. It helps that the elevator gets crowded. It's that time of the day when everyone's out and trying to go home.

Nick and I are crowded in the corner. My back is pressed against the elevator wall. He's close enough for me to feel his breathing, close enough for me to smell him. He smells good. He looks down at me apologetically. "Sorry." He mouths.

I smile up at him. We can't speak because everyone is quiet in the damn elevator as if it weren't awkward enough already, so I reach out and kiss him on the cheek. He presses his hand on my back, keeping me there on the crook of his neck. I don't know why I feel so good being here. I think I'm just relieved that he's not angry anymore. He apologized and I really appreciate that.

The elevator finally stops on the first floor and we all walk out then head to the parking lot. We agree to meet at the restaurant. It's a good thing I rode with Nick today. The restaurant is not far from work. We've been there before. Ever since I married Nick, I've eaten in many high quality restaurants that I didn't even know existed. I've learned that the price of a plate has nothing to do with the taste. That's one of the things I love about hanging out with Victor. Sometimes all I want is some Chinese take-out or fast food to satisfy my hunger.

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