8. poor wife

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Nick's tongue slides across my lower lip, asking for permission. This is the first time he's used tongue when kissing. Our kisses are usually just our lips being pressed together and they're always short. I'm angry at him. I want to push him away and ask him what the hell is he thinking? Why is he acting this way? Since when did he feel any jealousy for men around me? I want to demand all of these answers from him but at the same time, his lips feel so good against mine. Before I know it, my lips part and he slides his tongue inside my mouth.

He presses his chest closer to me and I feel him put his arm around my waist for support. He kisses me desperately as if we were running out of time. This isn't right. I'm with Victor. It doesn't matter that I'm married to Nick. My relationship with Victor is more real than our marriage has ever been. It feels like I'm cheating on him. How ironic. I'm kissing my husband and it feels like I'm cheating on my lover.

I place my hand on Nick's chest getting ready to pull him away but before I do that, the door to his office opens. We both turn to look at the person that just caught us. It's Linda. Of course it is. Nick and I are breathless. I look at him and he has red lipstick all over his mouth. Why does that make me feel a sort of way?

Wow. This is so awkward.

Nick clenches his jaw, I can tell he doesn't like this at all. "Jesus, Linda, when are you going to learn to knock?"

Her eyes are wide as she looks at Nick and I and the position were in. I look down and realize that somehow my skirt pulled up to my thighs. At least I don't have to worry about a reaction. I'm not supposed to know she's sleeping with Nick. As far as I know, I'm kissing my husband which is totally normal. Except Linda probably knows my marriage to him is a fraud. Or maybe she doesn't. Something tells me Nick has left her in the dark.

She clears her throat. "Uh-I'm so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Collins. Excuse me." She walks out without another word.

"Does she know?" I ask Nick.

He turns to look at me and I reach out and scrub the lipstick off his mouth with a tissue. "Does she know what?" He asks.

"About why you and I are married," I say putting my hand down.

"Of course not."

I frown. "So to her, I'm the poor wife that you're cheating on?"

I don't know why that makes me angry. I don't like that. I don't like to look like an idiot. I wonder if Linda has told Eva that she's sleeping with Nick. I wonder who else she has told. Here I am thinking everyone respects me around the office when in reality, it could just be that they all feel sorry for me.

"I don't trust her," Nick says.

I scoff then place my hand on his chest and push him away. "If you don't trust her, then why are you sleeping with her?"

He hesitates. "Rachel-"

"No, you know what? Don't answer. I don't care." I interrupt. "I don't know what's going on with you."

I try walking away but he grabs my hand and pulls me back. "Why are you angry at me?" He asks looking into my eyes.

"Are you kidding? You kissed me!"

"You didn't stop me." He points out.

I narrow my eyes at him, annoyed. "What's gotten into you, Nick? Since when do you care about who I kiss when I'm not with you?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, Rachel, maybe seeing you with someone else made me realize how much I care about you."

"You want to know what I think?" I don't wait for his answer. I look at him and cross my arms on my chest. "I think that your ego can't handle the fact that your wife is seeing someone else. You just want it to be you. You're so unfair."

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