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Kurt tiptoed back into his house, seeing James passed out on the couch. He ran as fast as he could while being silent to the cellar- aka his room- tucking away anything of value. He'd be dead if they saw any of it.

Then he went back upstairs, cleaning up the mess James had made. His drunk rampage seemed much less destructive than the previous ones, for which Kurt was grateful.

Kurt was tidying up the kitchen when he heard James yawn. "Get me a beer."

Kurt hurried back into the room and handed him the bottle.

However, instead of drinking out of it, he smashed it upside Kurt's head.

Kurt closed his eyes as it broke, avoiding getting any glass shards in them. He opened them again, meeting James's eyes.

"Where do you go, boy?!" He yelled.

"I'm new to this town. I was simply making sure I'd know my way around." Kurt said softly. He knew no answer would be right. They never had been.

James growled, hitting him once more. "Go clean yourself up. Stay in your room, I don't want to see you."

Kurt nodded meekly, heading down to the cellar.

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