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Kurt's first day at Dalton, he couldn't have been more excited.

A boarding school. An actual boarding school.

He headed straight to the office, gather his papers and information from the Dean. He knew he'd have to work on being less in edge around adults.

"Alright, one of your roommates should be here shortly. Usually the dorms have three people, but since you're the odd one out, per say, your dorm will have four."

Kurt nodded. He hadn't sat down in the chair across from the Dean's desk, unconsciously ready to bolt.

After a bit, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," the Dean said.

A hispanic boy opened the door, hand resting nervously on the handle. "Um, Jeff was going to come, but Nick kinda... Um, they're busy," he explained softly, not making eye contact.

The Dean seemed to understand. His voice was much quieter when he spoke next. "Change of plans, then. Kurt, Thad will be showing you around."

Kurt nodded, following Thad out of the room.

"So, I'm not your roommate. Jeff, Nick, and Blaine are."

Kurt grinned at that. Blaine was his roommate. This day kept getting better.

"I still can't believe I'm at an actual boarding school. Like, this is my dream," Kurt said wondrously, looking around in awe.

"It's nice," Thad said simply. His middle finger repeatedly tapped the side of his leg as he walked, perfectly spaced taps.

Kurt couldn't think of a response to that, listening to the quiet taps in silence.

Eventually they reached the dorm section. Thad checked his phone, nodding once, and heading on to a dorm. He paused in front of the door.

There was something Kurt noticed. When he knocked, he did it with his nail. Three soft clicks on the door, and that was it. Loud enough to be heard, but extraordinary quiet.

The door opened, revealing a blonde. He immediately saw both of them, grinning. "You must be our new roommate, right?"

Kurt nodded.

He turned to Thad. "Thank you for doing that for me," he said.

Thad smiled softly, shrugging. "Any time. How's Nick?"

"Embarrassed, but fine. He's at the library, he needed some quiet."

"Quiet is always nice," Thad mumbled abashedly.

"Yes, it is. Wanting quiet is a normal thing." The boy's, who Kurt had realized was Jeff, voice was firm, but soft at the same time.

Thad colored, looking ashamed. "I should get going."

Without another word, he left. Jeff looked after him, sighing softly. Then he turned back to Kurt.

"Anyway, I'm Jeff. Nick, Blaine and I are your roommates," he said cheerfully. Compared to how he was now speaking, his voice had previously been severely suppressed and quieted.

Kurt wanted to ask if Nick had had a panic attack, but he wasn't supposed to ask questions. Besides, all signs pointed to it.

He was still embarrassed on how he endlessly quizzed Blaine about Dalton, but he seemed to want to answer his questions. That was different.

He walked into the dorm after Jeff, looking around. His suitcase was at the foot of an empty bed that he assumed was his.

He unpacked, figuring it was better to do it sooner rather than later.

Kurt hated unpacking. It just meant he moved again.

This time, though, he didn't quite mind.

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