Chapter 1

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(Ozpin's POV)

Ozpin: "Thank you so much for coming at such a short notice team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY. I assume that you're all curious as to what is afoot here?" I sat in my chair, speaking up to the three teams I chose for the mission I entrust them to partake in.

Ruby: "Yes Professor Ozpin, we're all curious as to why you have summoned us here? Care to tell us why?"

Ozpin: "I was just about to get to that Miss Rose, don't worry. Now, how many of you heard of the Tale of The Lamb and The Wolf?" Everyone was now curious as to why I asked them of that question.

Blake: "The Tale of The Lamb and The Wolf? I've heard of this when I was a kid. A girl by the name of Septima submerge herself into a pool of spiritual energy with her wolf, and then they both wondered the world to bring either peace of chaos to the people who are close to death." I nodded at Miss Belladonna's answer before I spoke.

Ozpin: "Correct Miss Belladonna, but what if I told you that this "Tale" is not some childhood story?" Shocked faces were plastered on everyone's faces, and I showed them a video that a drone of mine captured. It was of a man, who was running in the forest, scared, he looked like he was running from something, but suddenly, an arrow whisked by him as many more came afterwards, which all struck him in many parts of his body. As he laid on the floor near death. The sound of hooves clattering could be heard from behind the drone, and not long after an ethereal wolf appeared out of thin air and gnawed at the drone before all was static. By that time, everyone was scared beyond reason.

Ozpin: "This drone has contradicted to the supposed fact that Lamb and Wolf are just fantasy, it seems that we were wrong, so I want all of you to go to where the body was last found, and I want you to find Lamb and Wolf. Bring them here, but do not injure them, for death will come for us all if you do." Everyone nodded their heads before they got ready to move out. I just sat in my chair with my mug in hand before I took a sip from it.

Ozpin: "We have so much to talk about Septima..."

(Timeskip) (Ruby's POV)

As soon as we boarded the Bullhead, I couldn't get my mind off the fact that Lamb and Wolf were real, my childhood has been real this whole time. I don't know if I should be happy or scared to know that this is happening to all of us right now.

Yang: "You okay little sis, you seem to be buried in thought right now. What's troubling you?"

Ruby: "Yang, I just can't get over the fact that a childhood story is actually real. All this time, we could be capturing Death itself, and we could even be next if we're not careful..." Yang gave me a comforting hug before I could say anything else.

Yang: "It's alright sis, Lamb and Wolf can't stop all of us, can they? Besides, we're not out to kill Death, we're here to bring them to Ozpin." I nodded my head in reassurance before we have arrived at the designated area that the killing took place. We then exited the bullhead and got our weapons out.

Ruby: "Alright everyone, let's stick together. That way no one can get cornered by either one of the Kindred Spirits." They all nodded before we trekked on into the forest ahead, but we couldn't find anything worth finding. It was like finding a cookie in a barnful of haystack. However, I think it was not us that was finding the cookie, it was the cookie finding us...Why? I heard a giggle, it was the giggle of a young girl, she was giggling while a deep voice laughed alongside her.

???: "Well, lookie here dear Wolf, lost souls."

Wolf: "I can see that little Lamb. What should we do with them?"

Lamb: "Nothing, they don't deserve to die just yet, in time, they will..." She giggled once again, and everyone was gone from my sights.

Ruby: "Um...? Hello? Is Anyone there?"

Lamb: "Yes, we are here."

Wolf: "You are never alone." The Low voice spoke, and I was shivering in my boots already.

Ruby: "Um, that's wonderful to hear, but is it alright if you could come with us? Ozpin would like to speak to the both you."

Lamb: "I'm sorry little one, but we cannot go with you. The forest must be maintained. It cannot be left unchecked."

Wolf: "The forest needs us."

Lamb: "And we need the forest. We are sorry to tell you this, but we must kill you. Whoever speaks to us, must receive a swift and true arrow, a single word you speak, brings you even closer to death..." After she had spoken, I heard an arrow whisk toward me, so I dodged out of the way before I saw the mask of the Wolf, and it was worn by a humanoid lamb, who wielded a bow made of some unknown wood. Normally, I would fawn over that bow, but that would be for later. Several more arrows came after me, and I dodged them all with ease; however, I failed to notice the real Wolf that was behind me while Lamb was firing at me with arrows. Wolf lunged at me with his teeth, and they were buried deep into my leg, that I screamed out in pain. He thrashed me back and forth like a doll before he threw me into a tree, making me break it in half. The pain was unbearable, but my aura was able to shorten the length of the pain. As that was going on, I heard Yang's shotgun bracelets go off, and I looked over to my left to see her firing upon Lamb and Wolf, to which they responded with arrows and gnashing of teeth. Then, everyone came to mine and Yang's aid as they laid out suppressing fire on Lamb and Wolf, which they replied with a retreat deeper into the forest. After that was over, we all took a short break from the fight, and we were all shocked that it was no lie. Lamb and Wolf were real.

Yang: "Little sis, are you alright?" She embraced me in a warm hug, and I reciprocated the hug.

Ruby: "I'm fine Yang, but my leg isn't. We must tell Ozpin about this-"

Wolf: "OZPIN!?" We all turned to the sound of Wolf, shouting at the top of his ethereal lungs before appearing right in front of my face, shaking me to my core.

Wolf: "What do you know about Ozpin, tell us!"

Lamb: "Dear Wolf, please do not add more insult to the injury." Lamb came out beside me, which startled me a lot. Wolf chuffed before he moved away from me and back to Lamb. She trotted over to me before she knelt to my level and inspected the wound that her companion made.

Lamb: "Here, let me help with that." She asked the others to come closer, and they hesitantly did so before she summoned a green circle around everyone, and after a few seconds, it shined brighter than it was before it disappeared. Surprisingly, it healed my wound up, only leaving the scar where the wound could be seen.

Lamb: "I'm sorry for what we did to you little one. We only do what we do because we need to."

Wolf: "We bring death."

Lamb: "We bring peace."

Wolf: "We give them pain."

Lamb: "We end their suffering."

Wolf: "That's why we can't just leave the forest on sudden notice."

Ozpin: "But I think that won't be necessary." Suddenly, Ozpin came out of the forest and into the clearing with his coffee mug in hand. He walked over to Lamb before he looked at her straight into her mask.

Ozpin: "You haven't changed at all Septima...not at all." Just as he said that, Lamb drew her bow and fired at Ozpin, but it didn't strike himself, it struck his mug, and it made a noticeable hole on both ends of the mug. His coffee spilled from both ends of the mug, and Ozpin just shook his head with a sigh to go along with it, but I was still impressed by her bow.

Lamb: "If you wanted to talk, you could've just said so. We cannot just kill a huntress in training such as her."

Wolf: "She has silver eyes!"

Lamb: "And she would be an asset to your cause."

Wolf: "But as for us Ozpin?"

Lamb: "We are just there to pick up the scraps. So, leave us be." But before they could take off, Ozpin stopped them with a proposition.

Ozpin: "If you come with us, then we can find try to find your parents." They both simply stopped in their tracks before looking back at Ozpin.

Lamb/Wolf: "Your fault Ozpin/You're making a big mistake..." With that, we had death on our side.

The Tale of The Lamb and The Wolf (RWBY x Kindred Reader)Where stories live. Discover now