Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

{Isabella's POV}

The boys all responded to my text saying they loved me to, well all of them except Louis. Maybe he was shocked or something? I have no idea. After I got the text from the boys I got a text from Harry saying they we're at Simon's office so they would text me tonight or tomorrow.

I just put my phone away as Allison came into my room. "How are you? Here is some food. I made you sandwiches because that's the only thing I could find that wasn't that gross." I let out a giggle. Allison hated hospital food even more than I did and boy do I hate it.

"Thanks Allison, you're the best!"

"Oh I know I am. Did you do your homework, or ehm schoolwork I mean?"

"No not yet, I could do it after I ate though."

"Good idea, I'll get your books. You eat!" I nodded as Allison went to the closet in my room and picked up my bagpack. In there was everything I needed to do my schoolwork. "Here you go, if you need help just push the button and I'll come. But I have something to do, so I've got to go do the things I get paid for." She said.

"Okay, thanks Allison." She left the room giving me a little wave as she went. I quickly ate my sandwiches and started on my schoolwork. First I did maths and then German and physics. After that came English the last subject for today. I was actually pretty good at English but I pushed the button to call Allison anyway. It was way more fun to do it together. She came in my room and we made my English schoolwork together.

When we were done with that it was dinner time already. Allison went to get Pasta she made at home. We ate together in my room. I told her about the texting with the guys. She was really excited for me saying how she knew it would make me happy. And it does make me happy, but I just... what if it's all just a big joke. What if they aren't going to come... what if they do come say 'hi' and just leave, just like that. Or what if I die before they come and they just act like it never happened...

I know they can't be that mean, but still they don't even know me that good. We never met, it shouldn't be that hard to move on, if it's even a bit hard at all. Ugh I hate myself when I'm being negative, but seriously though... will they come?

It 7 pm and Allison is free right now. We say a quick goodbye and she goes home.

I just listen to some music until it is half past 7. The time Sam told me to come on skype.

I quickly take my laptop and log on. Within seconds Sam's calling me, I click on the accept button and Sam's face pops on the screen.

"Hey Isa."

"Hey Sam."

"How are you?"

"Good, I need to stay in bed 24-7 but more than that I'm good, for now. How 'bout you?"

"Good, school sucks. I miss uuuuuuuuu. There's no one is at school to keep me awake."

"Sowwy, I'll come back one day... maybe."

"No you won't, you'll go get the treatment in London and then you'll be of traveling around the world, like you've always wanted. Writing songs, doing what you love; recording music, making music."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

Sam just signs. I know he's right, I love to wright and produce music, but how am I supposed to do that. Nobody will hire me; I'm just a young girl... I'm not serious enough, right? Ugh I wish I could though... maybe I should try, pff who am I kidding.

"You'll figure it out. Besides you can always ask that boy band for help, how is that coming anyway?"

"Good, I was texting with them today. They're very nice, they say there all coming but I don't know if they'll really come, we'll see I guess. You know what sucks, I'm stuck here in my room I can't even go out of bed. But if I could I could find a job and safe for my treatment, now I can't even safe myself. And that sucks so bad. I hate this, this bed, this room, this hospital. Everything is white, white and white. It's like a white prison, holding me inside. Keeping me here until the day I'll die and then they'll put me under the ground and everything will be black and dark."

"You shouldn't be so negative, I'm sure I'll have enough money for your treatment. Me and the guys have been working or buts off to get enough money; even my parents are willing to pay part. It'll be alright. And besides white isn't that ugly, it boring yeah but you can fix that."

"Ugh, I guess you're right. And I love you guys for trying to help me, but that's your college money you're working for. I'm not going to let you spend that money on a treatment that may or may not save my life, it could kill me to and then you will have no money left. I won't let that happen."

"No you won't let that happen, cuz you won't die. The treatment is going to help you if you like it or not, it has to. Look I have got to go, but we'll talk tomorrow, I'll text you when I'm out of school, okay?"

I nod. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye."

"Bye." Sam says waving and then his face is gone.

I love the guys for trying to help me, but I'm not going to let them throw away their lives because there's a small change I will survive the treatment and be cured. The change is just too small, too small to let them throw everything away.

My phone beeps, I pick it up and see I've got a text from Louis.

 From Louis- Love you too, I'm coming for you Isa, sooner as you may think. X

I smile, I hope he comes for real and soon, before it's to late.

I feel my eyes get heavy as the machines in my room start to beep.

If you ever come Lou, I'm afraid you're to late. I say in my mind, just before everything goes black.


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xx Bells

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