Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 

[Perrie's POV]

I wake up early, not that I have slept that long. It is 7 am now, I get out of bed and pick out some simple close to wear. Then I go and have a shower taking as long as I can manage. After I dried my hair, I put it in a ponytail and go downstairs. The girls aren't awake yet so I make myself some cereal and sit down in the living room to watch some TV.

Nothing special was on so I just settle on the news and watch what's going on in the world. When it's 9 am the girls are still asleep, but it's time for me to leave. I leave a note in the kitchen saying I'll be gone for most of the day even though Jade knows that already, since I told her last night.

I put on my jacket and walk outside to my car. I get in and drive to Zayn's flat. I unlock the door and go in. I walk to his little office, which is actually a guestroom with a desk in it but okay. And look around, okay where would he keep the adres. I search through his drawers and the closet until I find it. I write the adres on a piece of paper and go back outside locking the door behind me.

When I get outside there is a group of girls. I try to walk past them, but some of them recognize me and they gather around before I can get to the car. They ask for autographs and picture which I'm willing to take. It takes a while but then I have had most of them and I tell them I really need to leave and that it was lovely meeting them. Leaving the question why the boys of 1d and I have been going to the hospital lately, unanswered with them. I get in my car and drive away.

When I cross Starbucks I get out and get myself a drink. After paying I walk back to my car and sit down sipping my drink. I put the adres in the navigation and drive again. When I reached to building where I'm supposed to be, I take my bag and get out of the car. I take the lift to the right floor and walk up to the right door. I ring the doorbell and wait, please let him be at home please I'm begging you. Don't tell me I got up this early for nothing. 

I hear screams coming inside, sounds like they are fighting over who has to go and open the door. Well at least now I know they're at home. "No Mike, the only thing you have to do is walk over there the door is open. You don't need a fucking key." I hear someone scream. Good to know the door is open, I think as I open the door and walk in. the two boys look up from whatever they're doing.  

"Hey guys." I say waving.

"Hey Perrie, what are you doing here?" Luke asked me.

"Well I was actually looking for Calum I need his help with something, is he here?"

"No, he's in the studio with Ashton." Michael said.

"Oh okay, when is he going to be back?" I asked.

"This afternoon, I think."

"Oh, okay see you guys later." I said as I turned around and started walking out of the door.

"Wait, Perrie you can stay here and I'll text them to come back when there done and not hang around or something." Luke said.

I nodded. "Okay sounds like a plan." I walked over to Michael and sat down on the couch next to him. He was playing video games of course. And I wasn't even sure what Luke was doing. Crazy boys, I tell you, crazy.

I just continue to sit there while Michael plays videogames and Luke's still on his computer. This guys don't have a live, they really don't. I take out my phone. "Does any of you have some head phones I can borrow?" I ask. Luke nods and stands up and gives me some headphones.

"These are Ashton's, I think, but I'm sure you can borrow them." I nod, I put the headphones on my head and put on some music, after a while I fall asleep.

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