8. A Sick Day With Loso.

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8. A Sick Day With Loso.


The next morning I woke up feeling just terrible. I wasn't sick so to speak but I wasn't feeling 100%. I called in the school telling them I was taking a sick day and now I'm laying in bed snuggled up under the covers.

It was nice just being home. I was a little bored but it was better than being stuck in class, wishing I could be at home laying in bed.

My phone vibrated on my nightstand. I groaned but rolled over and pulled it to my face. The bright screen blinding my eyes, I do this every time. I know my screen is bright but I fall under the hopes my eyes will have automatically just adjusted.

9:03 a.m. -Loso: Is your ass in class?

9:04 a.m. -Me: No, I'm not feeling good, so I'm at home.

9:05 a.m. -Loso: Not feeling good? You need me to come over and take care of you? :*

9:06 a.m. -Me: Ew no.

9:07 a.m. -Loso: Too late, I'm already on the way. Want me to pick you up anything?

9:08 a.m. -Me: No thank you. I'm not unlocking my door.

9:09 a.m. -Loso: I'll pick your lock. :)

9:10 a.m. -Me: Don't you dare >:|

9:11 a.m. -Loso: Then unlock the door.

9:11 a.m. -Me: Aren't you driving? You shouldn't be texting.

9:12 a.m. -Loso: ...and? I don't care, you better unlock that door. I need to make one stop then I'll be at your house.

I set my phone back down and decided to get at least cleaned up, since Loso is coming over now. I got out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom down the hall.

I started the shower and decided to brush my teeth while it was warming up. 'Wow, don't you look beautiful' I thought to myself as I looked in the mirror. 'Those sexy dark bag under your eyes and smudge makeup from last night, that's just pure raw sexy. Way to go Ebony'.

After my shower, I went back to my room and dried off. I grabbed a bra and pair of underwear, slipped them on then walked to my dresser to find some clothes.

Then I heard shifting of the front door lock.

"Loso! I'm going to the door right now!" I yelled, just grabbing my robe and throwing it on. I raced down the hall and got to the door.

"Good morning to you too." He laughed as I stepped aside for him. "I got you scones, a lot of 'em." He said placing the little pink box on my coffee table.

"You're unbelievable but thank you for the scones." I could already taste the vanilla bean-ness on my tongue just by looking at the box. I closed the door and picked up the box, giving it a small shake. I'm guessing there's about 9 or 10.

"You're welcome. So why are you not feeling good? You don't look sick to me." He said eyeing me. "You're aware your robe isn't tied right?" He said casually bringing his eyes back up to mine.

"You see me all the time in shit like this. It doesn't make much of a difference. I just don't feel normal, probably just because I haven't had much sleep in the past couple of days." I shrugged heading back down to my room. His foot steps right behind me, till I crawled on my bed and sat there with my box of scones like a child with a new toy.

"Then get some sleep." He said joining me on my bed. "I'll even sleep with you."

"I know that's what you want." I said before stuffing a whole scone in my mouth. They were mini ones but I didn't care about being lady like. Here I am, in bed with a guy, in which whom I can't stand but enjoy at the same time, in my underwear with a robe that really didn't serve a purpose, scarfing down scones because I don't feel good. Just perfect.

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