4. Is That So?.

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4. Is That So?.


Saturday was just like any other day. I did my daily things and worked a longer shift, which brought me a nice amount of income. I wasn't proud that I had resorted to Exotic Dancing but I was proud of the fact, I was bringing in money and actually making it out in the real world completely on my own.

Well almost on my own. Loso seems to have become my company with our coincidental run ins. I still don't know what to make of him. He's fairly nice, maybe a little too nice, after what happened in the bathroom on Friday.

Today was Sunday and I had plans to meet up with my Dad for brunch. It was another cold grey day, so I was dressed in a pair of solid black leggings, a white long sleeve shirt, boots that just barely reached my knee with a little heel, and a light pink scarf. I wore it more as an accessory opposed to wearing it for warmth.

Grabbing my keys and purse off the counter, heading out the door. I scrambled to hold the phone up to my ear, calling Dad to let him know I was on my way.

"Hey Dad." I said with a smile as he stood up from the booth and pulled me in for a hug. "I missed you." I said feeling the soft fleece against my cheek.

"Hi Ebony, I've missed you too." He said letting me go and re-claiming his seat on his side of the booth. I slid in and picked up my menu, just scanning over what to order. "So how's school going?" I knew that was going to be the first topic that we would talk about.

"School is going just fine. I'm a little bored with it and tired of tests." I said with a small laugh. I smiled when I noticed Dad had already ordered me a hot chocolate before I showed up. "I'm also really annoyed with homework."

"You'll survive. How's work been for you?" He doesn't know exactly what I do. He just thinks I work as a waitress at the lounge, not as a performer. So I wasn't really lying to him, I did work at the lounge, just not at the position he believes I work in. That's just a small detail, he doesn't need to know.

"It's been good. I've been picking up a lot more tips lately." That was not an understatement. I really was picking up a lot more tips. Just not in the way he thinks...

"That's good to hear. Have you heard from your Mom recently?" Glad that we're changing subjects so suddenly. The annoying bell that hung over the entry doors, kept ringing as new people entered or left. It was really getting on my nerves, just hearing that ringing sound echo throughout my ears.

"Nope. I haven't talked to her since I left her house. I don't really care to hear from her either. Have you heard from her?" The day I left her house, was the biggest blessing. No more being blamed and yelled at for things that were out of my control. No more feeling like I was walking on eggshells or tiptoeing around the house.

"She went to jail for a little while. The neighbors called and reported heavy drug use coming from the house. They found heroin in her system and she was taken away." He took a long sip of his coffee. "I was just waiting to get this news by this point." He set the coffee down and wiped the extra coffee that stuck to his mustache.

"How do you know all this?"

"She called me asking to help her get out of the charge." Dad was a lawyer. A damn good lawyer too. I remember when I was little, I used to bring him his leather suitcase before he left for work. That was before he and Mom split up, when things were actually good in my life.

"You're not gonna take her case right?" I asked stirring the whip cream more into my hot chocolate. I wish the waiter would come by already. I was pretty hungry since I skipped breakfast just to have brunch, well now more like lunch, with Dad.

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