Chapter 2

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Chapter 1 ~ Griffin

My alarm turns off telling him to wake up.

"Ugh," I groan, " School...again." 

I get out of bed and get dressed.

It's sunny for November, the light from the sun burns my eyes and I close the curtains. I skip brushing my teeth and go downstairs.

"Good Morning, honey." My mom smiles.

"Morning," I say still not ready to be awake. I pour some cereal for myself in a bowl and pour in the milk.

"Remember to pick up Mike after school" She reminds me.

"Yeah, yeah," I say and slurp the last of my cereal and grab my bag to leave.


"Griffin!" My friend, Vaughn waves.

"Hey, bro." I laugh.

"So, how's life?" He asks.

"A piece of shit," I answer.

"How pleasant." He laughs.

"Let's just get to class," I laugh and shake my head.


As we get into the classroom last minute, the rest of the class already has there books out. 

"Griffin, my man. You're back!" My other friend Zach,  fist bumps me.

I was away for a week on a vacation in Hawaii and just got back.

"Did you meet any hot chicks on the beach?" Vaughn asks me.

"Haha, no I did not." I laugh.

Me writing this story: Is this how I think boys act???

"Class, settle down please." Mrs.Harlo comes in and passes out a math test.

"Oh shit," I groan.

"Welcome back, Griffin! There's nothing better than a new math test to get you back on track with school, now isn't it?" She gives me a kind smile.

"Of course, I was totally thinking that too!" I answer trying to hide my sarcasm.

"That's great! Okay, class. Starting in, three, two, one!" Mrs.Harlo gives us the sign to start.

"I don't know what to do..." I whisper to myself.

"Sucks to be you!" Vaughn laughs behind me.

"Shut up!" I whisper-shout.

"Sorry, this is what you get for being away for a WEEK in Hawaii, without us!" Zach tells me.

Then, the ground started to shake.

"What the-" I stand up.

The ground starts violently shaking and making the bookshelves fall over.

"It's an earthquake!" Amelia informs everyone.

"Oh yeah? I didn't notice." I say with full sarcasm.

Amelia gives me a death glare. 

"Not the time for sarcasm, yeah, okay." 

While Amelia and I were arguing other students have started to panic.

"I can't breath!" I spot Rosalie hiding in a corner down on all fours. I rush over to help her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I..can't...breath." She puffs.

"I...I don't know what to do." I say anxiously.

"Am I dying?" She starts crying.

"No, you're not. It's going to be okay." I reassure her.

"Where is our teacher?" I scoot under a desk with Rosalie. 

After a few moments, Rosalie's breathing starts to steady.

"I can breath now." She says with relief.

"I think you had an anxiety attack," I say. "Have they happened before?" I ask her.

"Yeah, but I was always too scared to tell my parents." She sighs and rubs her temples.

"It's okay," I tell her.

The ground starts shaking harder than before.

"What's happening?!" Rosalie cries next to me.

"I don't know, we never have earthquakes here," I say to myself.

The books start flying and the all over our tests land on the floor. I stay crouched and hold onto the legs of the table. 

Then, the shaking stopped and we were all left in the destruction of it. Everyone started standing up again and I did as well. I helped Rosalie to her feet and we looked out the window. The sky was grey and we luckily weren't the epicenter of the earthquake. The lower level of our school was affected a lot but no one was injured.


The next day, we got a day off from school because they had to repair the damages and most of us felt to down to do anything. A lot of bridges and buildings had collapsed and everyone was in the middle of fixing things to go back to normal. But...something doesn't feel right, I just have this feeling that this earthquake isn't our last and that we'd be facing much worse soon.



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Name: Griffin Moore 

Age: 16

How life is treating him: He's on the basketball team, his family is rich, and  he's top of the class


Dear Readers, 

I know this was a short chapter and I usually have a minimum of 1000 words in a chapter.  You also might be mad at me for not telling you what happened to Vivian.  You will know the next chapter, I just wanted to do POV's (Point of View) for this book. It also keeps the excitement and cliffhangers going. 

QOTC: What do you think all these unexpected natural disasters are coming from? 


Kaitlyn Ng ♥

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