Game on. Hampstead, London, England.

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Harry's perspective.

"Mind if I put some music on?" Maddie calls out from the living room as I try and pile away the multitude of junk food into my kitchen cupboards.

I swear she'd have to stay here for a month to eat all this rubbish I think to myself as I grab up the couple of items she's requested to have right now and tuck them under my arms before making my way back into the living room.

"Sure, CD's are in the wooden cabinet next to the stereo," I call back.

Entering the room just in time to see Maddie stretching up to grab a CD from the very top of the rack to examine more closely, causing her T-shirt to ride up just enough that I can see a line of soft peachy flesh poking out from beneath it.

"Hmm, all very predictable. Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles, Beatles, Elvis... Aha!" she suddenly breaks off from listing my CD collection, clearly having spotted something interesting. "I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" She sings as she grabs a case and quickly turns so that I can't see what she's selected.

"Mr Rockstar Styles, with all his big talk about liking all these eclectic and inspirational bands, is just like the rest of us! Nineties party megamix?" She cries, brandishing the CD in front of her happily. "We have GOT to listen to this!"

Practically bouncing up and down she makes quick work of removing the disk from the case and sliding it into the stereo. Stepping back happily as she hits play and swaying her hips as the opening beats of Ace of Bases 'All that she wants' start to blare around my living room.

"It's for parties! It's not like I sit here listening to it when I'm home alone or anything." I try and defend myself quickly, but I don't think for one minute she's buying it.

"Yeah yeah, I think thou doest protest too much!" she giggles before breaking into song as the chorus starts.

"All that she wants is another baby, she's gone tomorrow boy, all that she wants is another baby, oh-oh-oh."

I can't help but smile as she makes her way over to the couch where I've already made myself comfortable, her multitude of snacks laid out on the table before us and a couple of pieces of fruit for me, swaying her hips as she walks. She really is quite something, and I find myself unable to tear my eyes away from her.

"So if you are in sight and the day is right she's the hunter you're the fox, the gentle voice that talks to you, won't take forever. This is a night for passion, but the morning means goodbye, beware of what is flashing in her eyes, she's going to get ya!" She finishes with a flourish and lands on the sofa beside me with a soft thud pointing a long-nailed finger in my face threateningly.

"You're really sure your up for this? Getting beat again I mean? I don't want to harm your fragile male ego, I know what a narcissist you are." Maddie says in the most serious tone I think I've ever heard her use as she flops down on the oversized black leather sofa in my living room.

"You shouldn't be so cocky, I'll have you know that I've been practising."

"Oh, have you now, good! It would be nice to have a bit of a challenge this time." She teases me as I join her on the chair, picking up the remote and powering up my Xbox.

"How about we make this a bit more interesting hmm?" I suggest, and she spins around to face me, looking quizzical.

"What did you have in mind, Mr Styles?" She asks in a husky voice, and I swear to god I feel my cock twitch at her words. Normally I berate any member of my team, management, crew, anyone really, for calling me Mr Styles, but when Maddie does it, all I want to do is bend her over this sofa and prove that I really am the boss.

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