Kale a banana and a basket of sweets. Hampstead, London, England.

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Harry's perspective.

Shit. I knew I should have asked my assistant to stock the fridge before I got back. I'm not convinced that offering Maddie a very questionable-looking banana and what I think might have been a kale smoothie once upon a time, but now resembles a bottle of congealed green goo with some sort of weird white fuzz on the top, is going to entice her into bed with me, or give her enough energy for what I have planned either.

It's too late for pizza, damn, looks like I'm going to have to make a run to the local twenty-four-hour Tescos around the corner. Of course, no sooner have I come to this conclusion than I hear the familiar buzzing of my intercom system indicating that she's here. Deciding it's best to be a gentleman, I grab an umbrella from the stand by the front door and run out to the gate to meet her.

After three weeks of spending practically every spare moment I've had - when I've not been sleeping, with my arms wrapped around this woman, you'd think I'd have gotten more acclimatised to her by now and that I wouldn't find my heart racing and my palms sweating at the simple sight of her in jeans and a hoodie, climbing out of a cab outside my front gate, but apparently not.

As she straightens herself up, I hurry to position the umbrella over her long brown hair which is whipping around her face in the wind and as her bright blue eyes catch mine in the glow from the interior light of the cab I actually have to take a second to remind myself to breathe.

It's kind of daunting how heavily I've managed to fall for her so fast, no amount of time with her ever seems to be enough. The moment she's gone from my side I miss her like crazy, and I spend pretty much all my time – excepting when I'm on stage of course – counting the minutes until I can kiss her again or writing out little verses of my favourite poetry to slip into her hand before soundcheck.

I feel like some little kid with his first crush, not a grown man who's had his fair share, - alright, maybe a couple of people's fair share - of partners. And it's not just because she's gorgeous or because the sex is great, although obviously, I am not complaining about either of those added bonuses! She's also talented and kind and thoughtful, and hellishly sarcastic and quick-witted.

No matter how tired I am or what a bad day I've had, I can always count on her to make me smile. It can get really quite lonely touring the world alone, I know I have my band around me, but honestly? I'm used to travelling packed into close quarters with three or four other lads. Always having someone to play videos games with, or kick a football around with when there's time to kill before a show. Or even someone to go get a drink with or just relax and watch a movie with afterwards. The first leg of my solo tour was a real adjustment, but this time around, with Maddie... I guess I don't feel so alone anymore.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Maddie quickly after greeting her with a chaste kiss,

"Erm, a bit yeah, the meal they served us on the flight was disgusting, so I didn't attempt to force much of it down. You?" She replies

"Yeah a bit, the problem is, I've got nothing in the house. Fancy a quick trip to Tescos?"

"What, now?" she asks, her eyebrows raising and her nose wrinkling up as she looks around at the deluge of rain coming down around us.

"Well, it's either that or a mouldy banana..."

"Tescos it is then." she agrees quickly with a smile.

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