♛Chptr. 10: A hunch♛

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Jimin's POV

I am walking in the hallways with a paper bag on my hand. I thought about what Jungkook told me yesterday so I decided to make homemade cookies together with Jin-hyung.

"I hope Yoongi-hyung would like this." I smiled just thinking about him. He's gotten me so whipped, that grumpy but adorable man.

"Um, sorry to bother you but...is this the right hallway for this class?" I looked over my shoulder and saw a male student who looked lost. He is holding out of what looked like his class list. He has an ash gray colored hair that's a little bit longer for a male, sharp nose, glistening eyes and he is looking so damn fine. 

Gosh, I have never seen a guy this beautiful. Wait, shut up Park Jimin! You have Yoongi!

"Y-yeah you're in the right hallway." I cleared my throat, why am I even stuttering now. He smiled at me and suddenly hugged me out of nowhere. 

Okay...I am now sensing some weird energy in him so far. Like weird. I mean, who hugs someone whom they've just met?

He broke the hug and smiled wider, I just noticed how his mouth formed into a box showing off all of his teeth. Well, if he's not handsome I would've shouted for help because he is acting like a pervert.

"It's nice to meet you! My name is Kim Taehyung! What's your name? How old are you? Oh, and thanks for helping me!" I scratched my head, I didn't even help him that much yet he's showing this much gratitude like I saved his life or something.

"It's nothing really, and um, My name is Park Jimin and I'm 20 years old. It's nice meeting you too." He squealed like literally squealed before he hugged me for another time. Guess he's just a hugger. 

I patted his back and he only broke off of me when we heard a voice coming from behind me.

"Am I interrupting something?" I saw Yoongi scoffing and looking away as I only fidget. This is so embarrassing! What if he misunderstood and thinks that I have something going on with this weird kid!

"No! I...He just asked for directions and I helped him out." I tried to explain, hiding the paper bag behind my back. This is not the right time to give this to him.

"Oh...For a moment there I thought that you...y-you're hugging him." Yoongi looked away. Why is he acting this way? And that expression he's showing...i-is he jealous?

I snapped out of my thoughts and shrug the idea off. I am being delusional and I'm not liking this shit.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Namjoon was running towards our direction whilst controlling his breathing.

"Why are you running?" Yoongi asked.

"Jungkook! He's in trouble you have to help!" Yoongi and I both shared a look before we run to the room where Namjoon told us about and I bid goodbye to the weird kid.

"YOU PLANNED THIS! YOU KNEW THAT SHE WOULD REJECT ME!" A familiar male was grabbing Jungkook by his collar. I looked at his face closely trying to remember where I saw him and then I remembered from before, he was that guy who confronted Jungkook at the backyards of the school.

"W-What are you saying?" Jungkook was holding the male's hand on his collar. He was trying to control his tears as I saw him shaking a little.

"Don't act all innocent! You told me that she likes me too and you told me to confess! You tricked me!"

What is he saying? Jungkook never said that to him! I even asked Jungkook that day.

"Nothing much. I just told him that I already rejected her so he doesn't need to worry anymore."

Jungkook even told him that so he doesn't have to worry anymore yet he goes this far to even lie and put the blame on Jungkook! I can't believe this guy seriously.

"I never said that..." I was about to move and stop their fight but Yoongi already interrupted and removed the guy's hold on Jungkook's collar, pushing the latter.

"Everyone knows that Jungkook would never do that so shut the fuck up or I'll do it myself." Yoongi spatted. I never saw this side of him but damn he looked hot. 

Park Jimin! This is not the time to think of that!

Jungkook's classmates defended Jungkook too, they are saying mean things now to the male, even calling him names like 'Liar', 'Delusional', or 'Attention-seeker'. I was supposed to be sensitive about those but that guy deserved all of that hate. How could he accuse Jungkookie like that?

"I can't believe you for believing this liar!" The male walked out and they gladly let him storm out of the classroom.

"Are you okay Jungkook?" Yoongi asked him.

"I'm fine hyung, thanks." I walked towards their direction to check on Jungkook too. He smiled at me as I smiled back. 

Thank God he looked okay.

But why do I feel like something's off?


I wanted to share to you one of my favorite Jikook FMV in the media section~ Go check it out that's like super cute 😍 

I'm watching IDOL MV...again, for the millionth time. Okay, that's an exaggeration but seriously, I always watch it whenever I have free time.

♛Confession's Confusion♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now