♛Chptr. 14: Two-faced bastard♛ [F]

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3rd person's POV

The next day, Seokjin run downstairs to get the door expecting that it was Mr. Park who would be there but when he opened their mansion's door, he saw a familiar school mate instead. 

"Jungkook?...What brought you here?" He asked the younger who is wearing casual black jeans and a white loose t-shirt with black boots.

"Anyeonghaseyo Seokjin-ssi. Is this Park Jimin's house?" Jin nodded and he let Jungkook in even though he doesn't know what purpose he has exactly.

"He's upstairs, is there something wrong?" Jungkook shook his head and smiled. 

"I'm just visiting a friend." Jin chuckled at the cuteness of the younger. He is very well aware that Jungkook and Jimin had become friends since he had seen them talking often at school nowadays.

"That's so nice of you. Jimin doesn't have that many friends because he's so shy and closed off but seeing you two...I think Jiminie likes your company." 

"You are enough for him Seokjin-ssi, he talks a lot of good things about you. You're his precious brother, guess you should know." Jin was touched by his words. He didn't know that Jimin would say such sweet things since Jimin isn't someone whose vocal about his feelings. He's more of a showy guy.

But what Jin doesn't know is that Jimin really didn't say any of those words to Jungkook. They're not that close to that extent but Jungkook made that up to be on the latter's good side.

"Thank you Jungkook, and call me Jin-hyung instead...You could go upstairs, his room is on the second door in the right corner. Call me if you need anything, I'll make something for the both of you." Jin patted his shoulders, walking to the kitchen to make something. He would not just let their personal chef make the food for the sweet friend of his brother.


Jungkook walked upstairs, not even knocking as he entered Jimin's room. Instead of seeing Jimin on his bed, he saw no one but heard the shower from the bathroom on. He smirked knowing that Jimin was probably taking a shower at this moment so he decided to just sit on the bed to wait for Jimin to finish.

After almost a minute or two, Jimin walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel that he used for wiping his wet hair. He saw Jungkook sitting on his bed and he almost dropped the towel he was holding.

"Wha...What are you doing here?!" Jungkook smirked, scanning Jimin's body that just got out from the shower. Jimin noticed this and he is not liking this one bit.

"Answer my question and stop looking at my body!" Jungkook chuckled as he got up, walking towards Jimin with a smirk still plastered on his face. He gently touched Jimin's neck that made Jimin gulp.

"You can't be mad right now then...I ain't looking now since I'm touching you." Jimin slapped his hand away but Jungkook managed to grab his wrist and pinned him on the wall. Jimin dropped the towel he was holding and he winced in pain from the harsh treatment. 

Jungkook looked at him with a lustful look before he nuzzled on his neck, inhaling Jimin's scent that he happened to like unexpectedly. 

"I love your scent, you smell like strawberries...I wonder if it'll taste as sweet too." They met each other's gazes and Jimin began to tear up. Jungkook smiled at his reaction as he guided his lips towards Jimin's milky white neck before he planted a soft kiss on it. Jimin whimpered at the contact but all he could do was look away, letting Jungkook continue planting kisses on his neck.

"Don't you think that I deserve a thank you for keeping your secret from Yoongi-hyung? He's being too persistent about knowing what you wanted to say that day when you decided to confess...yet I told him that you would say it yourself after Christmas break. I'm the sweetest... don't you think Jiminie?" Jungkook told, still nibbling on Jimin's neck. Jimin continued to sob because he was scared. Jungkook is too strong and he can't get away from his grip.

"Yoongi isn't interested in you. He would never acknowledge a quiet person like you since he's more into sexy ones...someone whom he could do naughty things with. Someone he could fuck." Jungkook stopped kissing his neck suddenly when he whispered to his ears.

"Do you even know how to fuck Jiminie?" Jimin bit his lower lip to stop his tears but it didn't work this time. Jungkook is getting into him that no matter how hard he ignores it, the more Jungkook's words get inside his head.

Jimin couldn't answer that. What if Jungkook is telling the truth? What if Yoongi is really into those? Jimin isn't even experienced in things such as love so how could he know how to do what Jungkook was asking him about?  

"You're not even that smart aren't you?...That adds up to his hateful list Jiminie. Poor you.

"You're a two-faced bastard." Jimin managed to say between sobs. He felt Jungkook's grip on his wrists tightened and Jungkook stopped kissing him. Instead, the younger's lips travel down Jimin's shoulder and he bit him viciously that made Jimin grunt in so much pain. 

When Jungkook saw his teeth mark on him, he felt satisfied and he forcefully grabs Jimin's chin so he would look at him. Jimin was just crying through it all, he can't do anything but cry. Jungkook, on the other hand, doesn't feel a thing. He doesn't care at all.

"I told you...be my boyfriend. Let's make this easier shall we? Oh, and another thing, if you tell this to anyone...I promised that you won't like what I'll do next. You hear me?" Jungkook kissed his teeth mark on Jimin's shoulder before he left the room. 

Jimin's body gave up on him when he sobbed louder on the floor with his knees on his chest. He felt pain over his shoulder but what's more hurtful was Jungkook's words. 

He knew that Jungkook might be saying the truth about Yoongi for all he knows. But he can't help but believe that Yoongi wouldn't be that type of person like Jungkook, someone who pretends to be nice but is a real bitch on the inside. 


I'll update on Monday so Adios for a while! 😘 

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