♛Chptr. 62: What Lurks in the Shadows♛

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3rd person's POV

"Um... Jungkook?" Jimin called out. He stared at Jungkook who is in the driver's seat gripping on the wheel and focusing on the road. 

"Y-You have to actually let go of my hand." Jimin said in a stutter and with a little bit of pain too. Jungkook isn't letting his wrist go even though they were already in the car on their way home. 

Jungkook wasn't saying anything since earlier. Jimin already tried his best to get Jungkook to talk but he wasn't gaining any response. He talked about the most random things like,

'Jungkook, don't you think the weather is nice?'

'Oh, I suddenly remembered about this story-'

'Um, Jungkook, why do you have hot packs in your car?'

Jimin had asked all of that questions to remove the tension but it looks like he was just talking to himself.

Jimin sighed and thought that maybe Jungkook just didn't hear him so he let him hold him even though it really hurts.  

After a few minutes, they parked the car and went inside Jungkook's mansion with Jimin still on the taller's hold. Jungkook noticed something on Jimin that made his eyes widened then suddenly sad. 

Jimin didn't know what was wrong but Jungkook let him sit on the couch before he went somewhere.

After a few seconds, Jungkook got back with an ice pack and a first aid kit for Jimin. He sat beside his boyfriend... or ex-boyfriend, and he grabbed Jimin's left arm carefully. 

Jungkook examined it and it already looked bruised from his tight grip. He placed the ice pack on it with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to grip on you that harshly." Jungkook uttered in his low voice.

Jimin almost felt anxious when he noticed Jungkook's change of attitude earlier but now that he knew that it was for this reason, he broke into a smile. He reached for Jungkook's soft black locks as he brushed his hands over it, letting Jungkook lean into his touch.

"I know Jungkook, you just wanted to save me." 

Jimin was terrified earlier in reality. Now that he was on his right senses, he realized that the explosion actually came from that room where Jungkook had found him. He was thankful that Jungkook managed to find him at the right time but frightened as to why he was called out at such a room in the first place.

But Jimin knew better, Jungkook was more hurt than him. It was even weirder that Jungkook was worrying about him first before himself when in fact, Jungkook was the one who is literally bleeding. 

Jimin withdrew his hands from Jungkook and he grabbed the first aid kit that was on the table. He brought out an antiseptic before he put the right amount of it on a cotton ball. He placed the ice pack from Jungkook's hand to the table before he gets Jungkook's right hand, gently tapping the cotton ball to the scraped skin.

"You're the one who's hurt yet you're treating me as if I got the most bruises. You literally damaged your knuckles, Jungkook-ah." Jimin continued treating the wound as he blew air on it a few times. He daubs an ointment on the knuckles before he placed a kiss on the back of Jungkook's hand.

"Thank you for saving me earlier Jungkook." Jimin said in a smile whilst he looks at Jungkook who gave a weak smile in return. 

Jungkook reached for Jimin's cheek as he caressed it delicately. He leaned closer and kissed Jimin slowly and passionately, no tongues and sexual lust. Just a kiss of pure fondness and yearning. It was a kiss in which you could feel you were beside your right person. 

A kiss that is only for Jimin. 

A kiss that only Jungkook could provide.

Jungkook broke their kiss as he placed his forehead on Jimin's, closing their eyes and just feeling their breathing.

"Move in with me Jimin." Jungkook started. 

"I'd love to have you by my side every day." 


It was another night at the Park's mansion. Everyone was already asleep after the havoc that happened that morning. They still haven't found the culprit of the explosion but it somehow turned peaceful now. 


A dark figure lurks in the shadows, lying in wait as it awaits for its right timing. The figure was in Mr. Park's room, just there in the side of that dark room. The figure was just watching Mr. Park's figure but it suddenly went on a cover when it heard the sudden knocks on the door.

Mr. Park stirred in his sleep, walking sluggishly towards the door only to see Jimin standing at his door.

"Father, I need to talk to you." Mrs. Park who was on the bed rubbed her eyes once she heard the mumblings and she walked towards her husband and son. 

"Why are you still awake Jiminie?" She yawned and caressed her son's cheeks. Jimin shakes his head as he fiddled with his fingers looking down on the floor. 

"I h-have to tell you something." Jimin murmurs and Mr. and Mrs. Park looked at each other, already knowing that it was an important matter. 

They moved downstairs and sat in the living room, their eyes focusing on their youngest son who was still not looking at them.

"M-Mom... Dad, what would you think if I... told you that I want to move out?" Jimin asked carefully, not wanting to cause problems if ever his parents would reject it.

"Why, Jimin? Don't you want to be here anymore?!" Mrs. Park gasped in shock as she pouted. 

"Actually..." Jimin continues fiddling with his fingers. He was so anxious by the stares of his parents. He doesn't know what their reaction would be about what he was about to say but he thought that it was the right time to say it. 

"I h-have a boyfriend." Jimin closed his eyes, readying himself to receive a lot of scolding or maybe a punch from his father. Maybe he would even get beaten ruthlessly. Whatever happens, he doesn't know. He doesn't want to know.

But instead, Mrs. Park squealed in excitement, holding her son's hands immediately. 

"Who is it Jiminie?! Oh my God, is he handsome?! When would he go here?! Please invite him over Jiminie!" Mrs. Park was already shrieking in happiness because of the news. She always knew her son's sexuality and she wasn't one bit against it.

"Wait... you're not mad?" Jimin's eyes widened in shock as he looked at his mother. Mr. Park chuckled looking at the two.

"I already knew a long time ago that you have one." Mr. Park claimed as a matter of fact. Mrs. Park scoffed at her husband's betrayal and she gave him a glare which only Mr. Park could understand.

"How-" Jimin was confused but when he thought about it, "Ugh, it's Jin-hyung isn't it?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

Mrs. Park hugged her son tight as she kissed his cheeks.

"I'm so happy for you my baby!" Jimin giggled at his mother's continuous showering of affection. He was glad that everything turned out well. 

Later on, Mr. and Mrs. Park decided to allow Jimin to move out with his boyfriend but with the condition of still going home at times and always contacting them every single day. 

On the other hand, the figure was hearing all of this and it wasn't happy at the news. Now that Jimin would be gone, it would be harder to kill the boy together with the whole family. The figure claimed it would be boring to not include Jimin in the fun if it would begin its killing.

Why is everything suddenly not going in my way? 


Please don't get confused at the usage of 'it' in this chapter. That 'it' is actually a person.

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