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What am I? Who am I? What's my purpose and my destiny? etc... These are the questions we ask ourselves on a day to day basis. Questions like these are what allows us to search deeper within us. It forces us as humans to look beyond the surface and to dive deep within our souls for answers. Most of us are lucky enough to already know what we want from life, while others have to search for it. For those of us who can't find answers to these questions, we most of the time find ourselves in between.

In between what per say? Now that my friend is a question I am currently unable to answer, because I too am on that journey, so why don't we join forces together till we reach the end. You see in this world we live in, we sometimes tend to lose ourselves in the crowd. We get so caught up doing what others are doing that we too forget to discover ourselves. This here friends is what causes us to take on other identities and that's when the questions begin, because these identities we take on are not the true authentic us. It is what the world wants us to be if we are to "make it" in this world.

My name is Thandie Larsson, and this is my story. Born and raise in South Africa, my parents or better yet my mother, did all she could to make sure my siblings and I were shielded from this cold-hearted world we live in. But no matter how hard she tried (kudos to her), at some point we must come to face the truth eventually. I come from a family of five. My mother Ava Larsson is a hard-working entrepreneur who knows no limit when it comes to business. This lady is a business shark. Persistent, focused and driven, are one of the many ways to describe her when it comes to work. She knows how to get people and deals better than anyone I've known. The passion she has for her job is endless. Apart from that, she is the true definition of a Proverbs 31 wife, woman and mother. Ava is also a pacifists. I say this is because growing up, I saw many hurt and abuse my mum in ways that no decent human with a soul should, and instead of defending herself, she left them and got down on her knees. And that's why in more ways than one, we are polar opposites. She is the soft spoken, reserved and calm type, while I'm loud, outgoing with a touch of danger. The type of personality I have came from my father Lloyd Larsson. A man that has been permanently cut out of our lives for good. Although, I hate to admit it, it's true, because there are certain charctistics he has that I have. But I'm doing my best to be different from him. He has hurt my family in more ways than I can count and I've made a promise to myself and God, that no matter what happens, I would never turn out like him.

Next up is my "twin" Caspian. Eventhough we are eleven months apart, I still consider him my twin because we are very close. There are many things I would tell him before telling my parents, and if I ever seem to be in a sticky situation he is my number one man. Caspian is a mystery even to me at times, and that's saying something because we are close. He doesn't like company or trouble. He speaks when spoken to, socializes when it's necessary but other than that, he keeps to himself and his books. One thing I admire most about my brother is his dedication to school. That boy knows how to work hard and play hard. Eventhough he has his ways, I still love him to death. On the other hand, you have my sister Cleo. Cleo, Cleo, Cleo. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister its just that sometimes she can be a handful. There are no words to describe her personality. And sometimes I wonder if they switched her at the hospital, because she doesn't behave like any of us. I know how dumb that sounds, but you get what am saying. Besides we all have that one sibling who is just different and acts weirdly which at times makes you wonder about them.

Well now that you've gotten a little summary of my family and I, we can proceed with the story. After all, this is only the prologue, which means I give you all a brief background of my life. But don't worry, in the chapters ahead, I'll elaborate more on the different aspects of my life. For now, though I'd like for you all to keep in mind, that this is going to be an inspirational story. You all get a chance to travel with me as I go on my journey to self discovery, finding my purpose and true identity. As we go you'll get a chance to dip your feet in the murky deep waters of my somewhat dysfunctional life. Hopefully, you will laugh, cry, scream, shout and even sympathize with me when you discover certain aspects of my life no one knows much about.

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