Chapter Nine

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Lisa was in bed trying to read a novel but getting nowhere with it when her phone dinged, indicating a text message. She grabbed her phone and pulled up her messages, it was Femi.

Hello beautiful

For some reason, she couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face. Her mood of late had been dampened by her little episode with Jack and there was rarely anything that gave her joy. It had been five days and she hadn't seen or heard from Jack ever since she told him to move forward. It was the right thing for both of them yet she felt like a part of her had gone with him. She also hadn't heard from Femi since she called him to thank him for the ride down to Abuja, she sometimes forgot about him.

Hey you...
Lisa responded.

How are you today? Someone didn't miss me.

Says who?

Is that you saying you missed me?


I can live with that. Listen, I spoke to someone and they want to see your CV, you have it handy don't you?

Of course. Thank you, you have no reason to be nice to me.

Anything for the beautiful lady. Send it now if you will, I'll text you about an interview soon.

Will do.

Okay then. I have to run, talk soon.

Lisa had been applying for jobs online even though Femi had promised to help her. She really needed a job and it was better to be safe than sorry. There was no way she was going back to work with Jack, that was a disaster waiting to happen. They were obviously not capable of functioning like civilised adults in a work environment, there was no point trying something that was obviously going to fail.

Staying home all day was not something that Lisa was used to, that was another cause for concern. She had gotten so used to waking up early and going to work that she had no idea what to do with all the extra time she had on her hands. Reading wasn't working as thoughts of Jack often crept in to invade her mental space.

There was a knock on the front door and Lisa put her book aside to go check who it was. It was midday and everyone she knew was at work so it was a little strange for someone to come knocking at that hour. She looked through the peephole to see who it was and her heart stopped.

Lisa's hands were shaking and her palms were already sweaty. She was rooted in her side of the door, unsure of what to do.
"I know you're in there Lisa, I heard you come to the door. Open up." Randy called from the other side of the door.
Lisa was shaking all over. It was one thing to talk to Randy on the phone or see evidence of him but it was a completely different ball game to see him in person. Like one who was in a trance, Lisa unlocked the door and waited.
Randy grabbed Lisa by the waist and pulled her close then inhaled her scent deeply. "God, I've missed you," Randy said as he stuck his tongue into Lisa's slightly parted lips and kissed her like a man who finally got a drink after a long dry spell.

Lisa just stood there, unable to move. She was shaking all over, the back of her eyes stung with images tears. Yet she couldn't move, couldn't react. Randy grabbed her ass with his right hand and caressed the underside of her left breast as he kissed her some more. He played with her body for a few minutes before pushing past her and going to sit down on the long couch in front of the TV.

But Lisa couldn't move. She stood rooted in her position near the door, shaking.
"Are you going to stand there forever? Come and sit with me."
All the time Lisa spent getting over Randy and his abusive ways seemed like a total waste in that instance as her feet moved of her own accord to where Randy sat.
"Nice place." He said as he glanced around, taking the apartment in.
"It's not mine," Lisa spoke for the first time since Randy walked into her apartment. She remembered their conversation about him coming to live with her and that was the one thing she couldn't allow. She tried to pull herself together, she needed the willpower to kick Randy out of the apartment, if not for herself then for Jordan.
"Yeah? But I see you living here."
"it's... It's my friend's. She won't appreciate a roommate." Lisa stuttered as she tried to get the words out.
"What kind of friend is that?"
When Lisa was quiet, Randy continued as he draped a hand over her shoulder. "The way I see it,  you live here and you have a room to yourself. Tell your friend your man needs a place to stay. I'll come stay with you in your room and out of her hair, she won't even know I'm here."
"shh, baby girl." Randy placed his index finger on Lisa's lips. "I'll give you a little time to get your friend on board then I'll be back with my stuff. Don't push us into another fight darling, I only just returned." The finger that was on Lisa's lips slowly made its way down to Lisa's top and disappeared into her tank top, touching her more intimately than she appreciated. But Lisa just sat there as Randy toured her body, unable to move.

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