Chapter Six

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   Lisa almost ran as she made her way to Jordan's room, panicked. The door was locked, probably because Francis was over but Lisa knocked over and over until she came out.
"Dude, why are you threatening to break my door this early on a Saturday morning?"
"He called, Jordan."
Lisa almost broke as she said the words and Jordan immediately understood and gathered her friend in her arms.
"What did he want?" Jordan asked after Lisa had calmed down. They were now sitting on a couch in the living room.
"He said he doesn't have a place to stay and he knows I have an apartment in the city so he wants to come and stay with me, just till he can get back on his feet." Lisa's bottom lip quivered as she said the words.
"Which would mean he knows where you live."
"I have to leave."
"You will do no such thing."
"But he's going to come here Jordan, and you know how he gets. I don't want to put you in any trouble."
"Tell me something, where will you go?"
"I'll go to another town. I've been saving some money, it'll be enough to at least put up till I find a job."
"Not going to happen, Lisa."
When Lisa started to shake her head and disagree, Jordan held her face and spoke directly into her eyes.
"Listen to me, you've got a good thing going here. You have a job and people that love you around, don't let Randy run you out of your life. You can't pack up and leave every time he threatens you. So he wants to come, let him. I'll make sure the cops get him if he shows his face here but I won't allow you to run."
"Are you sure?" Lisa's eyes welled with tears at her friend's kindness.
"Positive. You'll be fine. The devil's spawn didn't get you the first time and he won't get you this time."
"I hope so."
"Now, I'm going back to bed. Try not to freak out, you'll be fine."
   Lisa had been truly terrified when she woke up to Randy's call. She had changed numbers when their ordeal was over but somehow he still got a hold of her number. The man was all kinds of bad news and Lisa didn't want anything to do with him. She genuinely thought it would be easier to move but Jordan didn't agree. She wasn't sure Jordan understood what she was taking on, Randy was a hurricane. By the time the cops came, he could very well have done an irreparable amount of damage.
   It was easier to leave, Lisa kept thinking. Yes, that made her a coward but she knew Randy better than anyone. The man was relentless and dangerous. He wasn't afraid to pull any card to get what he wanted.
   Lisa decided to see how far Randy was willing to go and if he got too close, she was definitely going to leave. She wasn't going to risk Jordan's life so that she could remain in Abuja and have a good life. Randy had forever stained her soul and she didn't deserve the life Jordan swore she deserved. She was always going to be looking over her shoulder as long as Randy lived. It didn't matter where she went, the man followed. It was finally clear to Lisa that Randy was her nemesis until either of them died.
   Lisa went back to her room and gathered her sports gear into a gym bag. Days like this went by faster with the complete exhaustion that intense body workouts brought. She was going to the gym to grind her body to a pulp, she deserved the pain and tiredness.
    The cool air hit her in the face as she got out and it took all of her willpower not to break into a run instead. But running would wear her out quickly and she didn't intend to be home anytime soon. So instead, she hailed a cab and went to the gym like she planned.
    Jack was lifting weights when Lisa walked into the gym. He spotted her immediately, it was like she was a magnet that drew him in. The minute she walked into the room, he spotted her and carefully replaced the bars and stood.
  Lisa rolled her eyes as she saw Jack walking towards her. Of all the gymnasiums in Abuja, they had to end up in the same one. She thought billionaires had their own private gyms complete with personal trainers.
"I thought CEOs had private gyms. Are you following me now?" She didn't bother with pleasantries, she was done with Jack and didn't care much for his presence.
"Lisa honey, I wouldn't follow you to a gym. I know where you work and I also know where you live."
"Fine, I'm going to work out. See you around, Jack." Lisa sashayed to her corner and got on one of the treadmills. As much as she didn't want to run, it was the only thing intense enough to distract her from Jack's domineering presence and an intense stare.
   Jack made no effort to hide the way he was staring Lisa down. He looked and it didn't matter how many times she caught him, he couldn't look away. She was running so fast, it was starting to bother him. He didn't want her to hurt herself but more importantly, what was pushing her to run like a maniac? He also found it funny how she walked into a gym he owned and asked if he was following her. He hadn't been there on Saturdays in the longest time, maybe that was why he didn't know that she worked out there. Strange as it was, he worked out at night when everyone had gone home. The trainer there knew his hours and made himself available when Jack was ready. If he knew about her, he definitely would've made a habit of working out on Saturday mornings or generally in the daytime.
   A few more minutes and she was walking towards him, a fire in her eyes. She was pissed about something, it was a look Jack didn't find hard to recognize.
"How long are you going to keep this up?" She questioned, hands akimbo.
"It got you to come over here didn't it?" Jack knew exactly what she meant.
"What do you want? We're done, remember?"
"So you don't miss me at all?"
Lisa sighed. She had in fact missed Jack but they were done. Randy had only mentioned that she had an apartment which technically, wasn't even hers. But what if he learned that she was dating a billionaire? Randy had blackmailed her in the past, it certainly wasn't beneath him now. She didn't want to extend her problems to Jack and she certainly wasn't ready to ask him for money when Randy came knocking. And she knew he would come, it was only a matter of time.
"I can't do this with you. You promised me that we were done."
"But that's the thing, why not? I've tried to get you out of my head believe me I have. But nothing is working. If I hadn't run into you here, I promise it wouldn't have been long before you heard from me."
"Why am I such a bad idea?"
Jack looked vulnerable in that instance and it broke Lisa's heart to turn him down yet again but he didn't understand, it was for both of their good.
"That's not what I'm saying."
Jack took Lisa's hand. "Then what is it?"
"I have a lot of problems, I'm not good for you. Believe when I say this but you're better off without me."
Jack knew exactly what Lisa was talking about but he couldn't say so because he didn't want to admit he'd investigated her. But he truly didn't mind, it wasn't something he couldn't handle if she gave him the chance.
"I'm sure it's something we can work through."
"Please, Lisa. At least tell me what it is before you write me off." Jack Lawson didn't beg anyone for anything. He took what he wanted, consequences be damned. But he didn't think he could continue living life the current way he was. He spent his hours staring into space and being unproductive, it was very unlike him and he didn't mind it in the least when the plea came out of his lips.
"We can't do this here." They'd been holed up in Jack's corner standing close to each other and people were starting to cast curious glances their way.
"Fine. Let's go to my place. I can take a quick shower and change if you'd prefer a restaurant or maybe the park."
"So you'd be all dressed and nice smelling and I'll go hang out with you in gym clothes? Mr Lawson, I thought you were a gentleman." Lisa decided to lighten the mood, Jack looked like he could use a break.
She was rewarded with Jack's dimpled smile. "Just trust me, ma'am." He extended his elbow and Lisa hooked her hand to it.
"I still have to get my bag first."
    They drove in Jack's car, music blaring. The sun was finally shining bright, it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Lisa was enjoying the wind, music and Jack's company so much that she closed her eyes and let it all wash over her. She was so absorbed in her little world that she didn't notice Jack turn a corner, off the route to his house. She didn't notice until the car came to a stop. Jack got out quickly and circled the car to open Lisa's door and help her out. They were standing in front of house of belle, a boutique for the affluent in society. It was where movie stars and wealthy businessmen and women shopped. Lisa could almost bet there was a celebrity in there right that minute, the common man couldn't afford to shop there.
"What are we doing here?" Lisa questioned although it was pretty obvious.
"A certain someone didn't want to look bad on her date." Jack flashed Lisa another one of his million naira smiles. "Come on."
"You don't have to buy me anything, we could've just picked something at my place. Better still, we can stay at yours."
"But I want to."
"This place costs a fortune to shop at, it's really not necessary." Lisa protested.
"Just one dress Lisa, please. It's nothing really. Plus, we're already here."
"To be fair, I didn't know we were even coming here."
"Points for Jack. Now stop arguing woman, let's go inside before they call the police on us for loitering."
Lisa had no choice, she gave in and followed Jack into the place.
   The interior took her breath away. Lisa had heard a lot about the place but she'd never been inside. But what she had imagined didn't even come close to the reality of it all. The reception had a wide area decorated with bright colourful couches and sitters. It was a beautiful contrast against the bare white background. The clothes were sectioned into men and women's departments and then further into formal, cocktail, casual, etc. Lisa was lost in awe while Jack did the talking. The receptionist was a friendly lady who assigned one of the shoppers to Jack.
"Come on." Jack tugged Lisa's arm as the shopper led the way to the cocktail section of the ladies department.
Lisa dared to look at one of the price tags and her jaw dropped.
"Jack..." She started to protest.
"It's not going to do you any good." Jack halted any further arguments.
Lisa sighed in frustration as she watched the shopper go through some of the clothes.
"Would you prefer any colours, ma'am?" The shopper asked Lisa.
"No orange, green or brown," Lisa answered. She figured, if Jack was spending all that money on a dress for her, she might as well select something she actually liked.
"If you will please follow me, I'll take you to an unoccupied dressing room to try these on." The shopper led the way, arms piled with beautiful dresses. Lisa thought she was getting only one dress, why did she have to try on so many?
"I'll take these," Jack said when the shopper opened the door to the dressing room, dismissing her.
"Just leave the ones you don't like here and I'll get them later." With that, she left Jack and Lisa to it.
"What are you doing?" Lisa asked once they were alone in the room.
"You've asked me that over a hundred times today," Jack said playfully, causing Lisa to roll her eyes. "Try on some clothes, I won't bite."
Lisa was never shy about getting naked. She worked hard on her body and she loved the results so she started to strip without question. Jack took a sit on the lone long couch in the room and watched as Lisa got down to her sports bra and panties. His breath caught when she bent over to get one of the dresses.
"Don't be getting any ideas, Mister."
But Jack only smiled innocently and held up his hands.
   Lisa tried on all seven dresses and was absolutely in love with a Burgundy low cut back number.
"I'll take this one."
Lisa dressed up and led the way out with the dress in hand. Jack followed with the other six in hand.
"We'll take them all." He said when they got to the counter and Lisa shot him daggers from her eyes but Jack paid her no mind as he handed over his ATM card. Lisa actually flinched as the cashier swiped the card, that had to hurt for sure.
    The drive back to Jack's apartment was quiet. Lisa was a little upset at the stunt he'd pulled and was ignoring Jack but he found it amusing. Women were literally always demanding something of him but here he was, willing to splurge on one he finally felt the need to and she was upset because of the extra dresses he'd bought. It was one of the reasons he liked Lisa so much, he was sure she was different.
   They got to his place and Lisa pouted all the way to his bedroom.
"Okay, I'm sorry." Jack apologized even though his eyes gleamed with humour.
"I told you I didn't want anything."
"I know. But I wanted to do it for you."
"Next time, just listen. I know it's hard for you since you're the one always giving the orders."
"Yes, ma'am." Lisa rolled her eyes again and Jack laughed, it was cute to watch.
"I'm going to take a shower," Lisa said.
"Is that an invitation?"
"Most definitely not."
"I don't feel like going out anymore," Lisa announced as she came out of the bathroom.
"We can stay here if you like."
Lisa nodded.
Jack took a bath and came back out a few minutes later. He dropped his towel, completely naked before he walked into his closet and came out with shorts and a shirt. Lisa just laughed, she knew what he was doing and she wasn't going to fall for it. He joined her in the bed and pulled her close to him until she was nestled against him. Lisa had also worn a pair of his boxers and a vest. The clothes were loose but they were comfortable.
"So tell me why you keep avoiding me."
The time had come and Lisa couldn't put it off any longer. She braced herself as she told the story, she didn't know how Jack was going to react.
"I was in a relationship for five years. His name is Randy. It started out great, I was completely in love with the man. He was kind and attentive and I thought he was the best thing that happened to me. But as the years went by, he started to become really jealous and possessive. He was monitoring my every move and it got so bad that he was following me on some days. I became upset and confronted him but he only started hitting me."
Jack's hold tightened on Lisa as she got to the difficult part, silently offering his support.
"I thought it wasn't a habit at first but it stuck. We were living together and I didn't have anything of my own. He stopped me from going to work so many days that I eventually got fired so that meant I didn't have any money. I don't know my dad and my mom passed when I was still a teenager. For the longest time, Randy was all I had. He knew it and he took advantage of it. I did everything he wanted and more. One day, he asked me to deliver a package to an address. I asked him what it was but he refused to tell me and just said I should make sure I got it there safe. I suspected it was drugs, I'd suspected that he was using but I was too afraid to confront him. I got it there safe but the men on the receiving end claimed they were short and refused to allow me to leave. I called Randy and he came over but they still wouldn't let me leave." Lisa paused and wiped a tear from her eye. Jack clenched his jaw and held her tighter. What he had gotten was the summary, he didn't know the details of what Lisa had gone through.
"So he offered to let their leader have sex with me if he would consider them even. He agreed and the guy bent me over a couch right there in front of everyone and Randy taped it." Lisa broke down and sobbed as she recalled the humiliation of it all.
"It's okay baby, you don't have to say any more." Jack rubbed circles on Lisa's back as he tried to comfort her.
But she continued. "After that, they let us go. When I got back home with him, he kept insulting me and calling me a whore. Sometimes he would play the video and laugh. Two times I tried to move in with friends but he made so much trouble that they got tired of me and asked me to leave. Then I would go back with him and the torment would continue. I was ashamed at first but I eventually called my childhood best friend Jordan and begged her to help me. She showed up a few days later with a cop and a lawyer and brought me back here with her. But Randy still has that video and occasionally he asked for money till I changed my number. I didn't tell Jordan because I didn't want her to worry, she already has a lot on her plate and she's been so kind to me, I didn't want any more troubles for her. But today he called again. He wants to come and stay with me according to him. Jack, if he finds out I know a guy like you, he will milk it for all it's worth. Please just let me go, it's best for both of us. He will sell that video to any blog that cares if it gets out that we're together and it'll ruin your public image and everyone will see my sex tape.  We can't afford this, I'm sorry." Lisa cried into Jack's side and he held her without saying a word. He needed her to let it all out, she obviously hadn't dealt with all the pain.
Eventually, he moved her so she was lying down on top of him. He kissed her head and spoke softly.
"Let me find out what I can do about this at least. We'll lay low for a while but for God's sake don't write it off yet. Can you at least do that? Just give me some time to find out what I can do about this."
"I don't want you to get into any trouble," Lisa mumbled against his chest.
"Can I worry about that? I'm sure I can take care of myself."
Lisa just sighed, Jack had always been stubborn.
"Please, promise me you'll consider waiting for me. It won't be that long." Jack was bent on finding a solution.
"Okay." It was useless to argue and Lisa knew it. Jack had proven to be a completely different man from what everyone said he was. He was kind and sensitive, a completely different personality from the domineering CEO. Lisa never thought he'd see the day Jack was tender but she was actually lying in his bed, on top of him with him promising to find ways to protect her against her demons.
   Lisa made to get up, she was a tall woman after all and she didn't want to suffocate the man.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Aren't you tired?"
"No. Lie down, you worry too much."
   They enjoyed each other's company in silence but it wasn't long before the air got thick with sexual tension. Lisa could feel Jack's arousal against her thigh and she couldn't ignore it anymore, she sat up and straddled Jack on the bed and it was his turn to ask.
"What are you doing?"
"We said we'd wait but after I leave, right?"
"Yes..." Jack didn't know where she was headed with that line of thought.
"Oh come on, you've been hard against my leg for over twenty minutes I think."
And Jack laughed but she was right.
"So what are you going to do about it?" He challenged.
But Lisa just bent down and kissed him deeply, pouring out all that she was feeling into the kiss. It was very cliché but she was starting to fall for the big bad boss and it was scary. Scary because she didn't know if she was ready to love someone else just yet, after being so severely burned by Randy.
   Jack took control and flipped Lisa over so that she was under him. He lifted one of her legs and pressed his erection into her opening. Lisa was a risk, a huge one at that. He couldn't believe that he wasn't running the other way after he heard all that she had to say. If it blew over, it was going to be a PR mess and his team was definitely going to have his head but for the life of him, he couldn't help himself. He couldn't walk away and leave her to her devices or worse still, at the mercy of a clearly unstable man.  He was going to talk to Ben and figure out a way to help her. There had to be something he could do to rid her of that kind of burden and call him selfish but he also wanted to be able to keep her. He had literally never felt that way about any woman in his life and it was scary but it was definitely worth the risk. Lisa was the only thing he'd truly wanted in as long as he could remember.
Lisa moaned against Jack's lips as he pushed deeper into her. Their chemistry was explosive and neither could wait to get the other naked. Jack broke the kiss.
"Take off your clothes, now." He ordered.
"Bossy." Lisa rolled her eyes but made to do as he said.
"You like it."
And she did. Both Lisa and Jack hurriedly took off their clothes and attacked the other.
"I've missed you so much," Jack admitted as he kissed her again, more fervently this time.
"Me too." Lisa finally admitted when they came up for air.
Jack couldn't wait to take Lisa, there'd be plenty of time for foreplay later so he pushed into her in one swift precise thrust that had her singing his praises. Both Jack and Lisa submitted to their desires that day over and over until exhaustion completely enveloped them.

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