U turn

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At least he slept this time. Considering what he had on his mind you might just call this a miracle, but he was already sleep deprived and had a mock battle, so his body decided to just sleep this time without any thoughts. Damn was Bakugou thankful for that.
It was a completely different matter when he was awake though. Some say feelings of affection and love are like a whirlwind and therefore hard to grasp. Well that definitely wasn't the case with Bakugou. In his mind there was just one thing. He wished it would be a whirlwind, than he had at least something to actually think about, things to connect, to understand. But with just this one image there wasn't much to work with. Just the picture of one smiling Midoriya.

It's all the fault of this fucking frog. Don't plant unwanted thoughts in other people heads. Bakugou slammed his fist against a nearby tree strong enough to startle the birds residing in the crown. Passersby just looked at him shortly just to quickly avert their eyes again.

Despite his rage against Asui's, let's call it 'idea', the image of the smiling boy filled him undoubtedly with joy. That alone made Asui's words sound so much more convincing. But Bakugou wouldn't change his view on this matter so quickly. All the weird influences and situations just confused his mind, give it some time and everything will be like before. Even in his mind he didn't sounded as sure anymore.

He let out a breath before opening the door to the classroom. This was developing into some kind of ritual.

I'm way to bothered. Bakugou was annoyed at himself and at Asui, but more at himself.
The moment the door opened and his eyes fell instinctively on Midoriya the image in his mind got updated. He already had a frightening exact version of Deku before his inner eye, but after seeing him in person again, some little details got corrected immediately. Some freckles were not placed right and there was some hair not fluffy enough here and too fluffy there, and Bakugou hated himself again for noticing the differences between the mental image and the real one.

Fuck you Deku for existing. Bakugou felt a pair of eyes on him and looked at his 'favorite' frog girl. Only then did he realize that he was starring at Deku and would it not have been for Asui he would have starred even longer.

This amphibian helped me again, it's hard to hate her if she keeps doing that. Bakugou didn't knew how to handle her. But at least he was sure she didn't wished him any harm, quite contrary actually. At that moment he felt another pair of eyes and saw Kirishima looking at him too. Where Asui was just looking only to turn around after confirming Bakugou noticed, Kirishima was snickering and was all in all way too suspicious. The people around were already asking what's going in with him.

I have to trust that dimwit to not run his mouth again. Bakugou felt uneasy about that. He really let two people found out about his problem who proved to be quite problematic, each in their own respective way. Kirishima was an idiot beyond believes and couldn't shut his mouth or act indifferent whenever Bakugou did something Deku related. Furthermore he was the reason Asui even found out about it as well. Even though Bakugou had the feeling she would have found out one way or the other anyway. Quite contrary to Kirishima she was able to stay quiet about it, at least towards other people. Her finding out was a problem because of her meddling and implanting ideas in Bakugous head.

Well, it could be worse. If some shithole found out about it who for his fucking life would tell Deku. That would be worst case. On the other hand, it's not likely that Deku would believe shit like that. It really was a blessing in disguise that they found out and not someone worse. That being said, Bakugou would has preferred no one finding it out.

Planting himself in his seat he could already feel Midoriya behind him like some never dying fire, heating him up. Aizawas entrance was a welcome distraction.

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