Godzilla Vs. Ghidorah Part 1

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3rd POV
Ghidorah's wings began emitting electricity, clouds began forming around the city, lightning striking from each. The two gigantic beasts were preparing to fight, Ghidorah spreading its wings as lightning was striking behind it.

 The two gigantic beasts were preparing to fight, Ghidorah spreading its wings as lightning was striking behind it

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The gods watched above, eyes widened with fascination.
Viridi: I thought that one thing he killed was pretty big, I never expected anything bigger than him.
Palutena: with that wingspan, that's easily 200 feet taller than Y/N.
Zeus: this one seems to have the power to creature storms, deadlier than any mortal creature we've seen, with the exception of the boy.
Godzilla roared at Ghidorah, who's tail let out spikes as at wings stretched more and more. Godzilla roared again charging at Ghidorah. Ghidorah began flapping its wings, charging at Godzilla, the two were  it stopping for anything.

Godzilla grabbed two of the heads as the third one bit down on his shoulder, making him roar in pain

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Godzilla grabbed two of the heads as the third one bit down on his shoulder, making him roar in pain. The wings extended out again, to the highest point they could, until finally they flapped down hard, creating a massive wall of wind, with a side force enough to push back the mighty Godzilla. Godzilla fell to his side, then looking at Ghidorah, growling in anger. Ghidorah's throat began to glow as it's three heads all stood up.
Zeus: what the?
Ghidorah shot three gravity beams at Godzilla, hurting him immensely, one in the chest, one in the stomach, and one in the leg. Godzilla went down to one of his knees roaring in pain. Ghidorah roared out and began flapping its wings, making it fly towards Godzilla.
Palutena: Pit! Go down there!
Pit: what!? why!?
Palutena: because we know Y/N, not this Ghidorah thing.
Pit: *sigh* fine.
A light shined over Pit as he was sent near the battle field.
Godzilla stood up as Ghidorah began to charge its gravity beams again.

Godzilla stood up as Ghidorah began to charge its gravity beams again

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Pit looked at Ghidorah charging it's blast. Behind Pit, a large eruption was heard, he turned around and Palutena flew him through the clouds.
Pit: what the- Oh my Palutena!
A volcano let off a massive eruption, the smoke rising into the atmosphere.
Viridi: Pit! Get away from that!
His wings turned blue as it went back into the storm, meeting face to faces with Ghidorah.
Palutena: this isn't good.
Godzilla was heard roaring, Ghidorah and Pit looked over to see him standing and roaring.

Godzilla was heard roaring, Ghidorah and Pit looked over to see him standing and roaring

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Ghidorah roared back at Godzilla. Godzilla charged at Ghidorah, his spikes slightly glowing, running at a fast speed. Ghidorah charged its gravity beams and fired at Godzilla, slightly slowing him down, but he didn't stop, he was going in for the hit. Godzilla bit down on the neck of the middle head, pulling Ghidorah along, bringing the massive dragon to the ground. Pit flew back out of the storm to see the volcano. As the rock flew off the volcano, a giant wing was seen, birds and underworld troops flew past Pit with fear, flying into the storm, unknown of what's within.
Pit: holy cow!
The magma and smoke rose farther and faster into the atmosphere as the top of the volcano began to fall off. A plume of lava shot out of every crevice of the volcano, flying out like a finger on the end of a hose.
Palutena: Zeus! What is that thing?
Zeus: I.....I don't know.....
A volcano finally blasted outwards, revealing a large, massive pteranodon creature, flapping its wings, roaring at the storm.

A volcano finally blasted outwards, revealing a large, massive pteranodon creature, flapping its wings, roaring at the storm

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Pit: Palutena....I want back now! Please I want back!
The giant bird roared as it flapped hard, lifting itself off the volcano and began flying in Pit's direction.
Pit: Palutena!
The light started to come down, but it wasn't fast enough. The bird flew at the storm like a bullet, it's wing hitting Pit, putting him in crisis mode, sending him to the ground just outside the storm, completely unconscious.
Palutena: Pit!
Viridi: I'll go down there.
She teleported to human size, she ran over to Pit and rested his head on her knees.
Pit: h-hey Viridi.
Viridi: you got hit pretty hard, we need to get you out.
Viridi tried bring Pit and herself back, only for the light to disappear.
Viridi: what's happening?!
Zeus: the storm! It's blocking your way back!
Palutena: how can mortal creatures block the powers of a God?
Zeus: I....wish I could say.....nothing has ever been put in the scripts about this.
The sound of Godzilla roaring was heard within the storm, the bird flew behind Ghidorah, using its claws and slashed behind Ghidorah's middle head. Godzilla used the opportunity and hit Ghidorah in the necks with his tail.

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