Godzilla Vs. Orga

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3rd POV
Orga grabbed Godzilla by the throat and dragged the massive Titan across the destroyed city. Godzilla roared in pain as Orga let go and let Godzilla slide through the city. Orga jumped up and landed on Godzilla and stabbed the Titan in wounded chest, making blood fly out.
Godzilla roared out in pain as Orga gave what looked to be an evil grin. Palutena's eyes widened in fear as Godzilla was bleeding from a massive hole in its chest.
Palutena: he's hurt bad.
Viridi: is there anyway we can help?
Zeus: he can handle this himself....I can see it.
Palutena: but look! He's in pain!
Zeus: watch your tongue Palutena!
Godzilla roared out in pain as Orga removed its hand from its chest. Massive blood drops dropped off of Orga's claws as it smiled at Godzilla's misery.
In the Underworld
Hades laughed in his throne with Medusa standing next to him.
Hades: HAHA! Yes Medusa! I knew you had a few more things up that sleeve of yours!
Medusa: I want to add something to our deal, if he wins.
Hades: and what's that?
Medusa: I'd like to meet him formally.
Hades: like a dinner?
Medusa: possibly.
Hades: how do you like him? It's a giant monster!
Medusa: that is stronger than you at half of your power.
Hades: watch it!
Godzilla roared out as Orga punted Godzilla more and more into the ground. It then charged its laser and unleashed it, sending Godzilla sliding into the ocean. Godzilla then emerged from the ocean, the salt water pouring from its massive wound.
Orga roared at Godzilla as it charged the larger Titan and jumped. Godzilla grabbed Orga and threw it into the ocean and held its head beneath the waves. Orga grabbed Godzilla's leg and pulled again. It then used its over claw and punted Godzilla in the leg, breaking it. Godzilla roared out in pain as Orga emerged from the water and grabbed the massive Titan by the throat.
Orga submerses Godzilla and used its over claw to crush its chest, making more blood gush from the open wound.
Palutena: Zeus!
Zeus: he has this!
Godzilla roared beneath the waves as Orga continued crushing its chest. Orga roared out as its laser began to charge up again, then firing onto the submerged Titan. Godzilla roared out in pain as it raised its hand above sea level and grabbed Orga's head. Orga's eyes widened as Godzilla pulled itself up and with all of its strength, ripped the head of Orga clean from its massive shell. Godzilla's spines then turned blue as it dropped the head of Orga and unleashed an atomic blast down the massive mutant's body.
Palutena and Viridi smiled as Godzilla dropped the body and snarled at it. Godzilla then stood tall and roared out in victory, shaking the heavens.
Hades: NO!
He slammed his fist down on his throne arm.
Hades: This should've killed him!
Medusa slightly smiled.
Medusa: you still have to resurrect that golden dragon.
Hades: yeah I'm working on it.
Medusa: I believe I will go to the heavens, hidden, and then I will find this boy and talk to him, while at the same time I will take my revenge on Palutena.
Hades: no, you will wait here for a bit. I want to know more about this and Incase I miss anything you will be here too.
Medusa: alright then.
Hades: I need to get a hold of Pandora, maybe she will have something.
Pandora: I heard you from the other room.
Hades: yes I wanted to as-....you look a lot more.....feminine right now.

feminine right now

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