Hades' Potion

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I flew through the sky as Viridi guided me.
Me: nothing so far, anything I'm not seeing?
Viridi: nothing at a- what is that?!
A blue rift opened and cracked, pouring out countless underworld minions.
Me: that's not good!
3rd POV
One of them flew by a small rose and threw a potion on it, then flew back into the hoard.
Pit: I can't take them all!
Viridi: I'll get Palutena!
Viridi ran down the halls of SkyWorld to see Palutena training with Y/N.
Palutena: too much aggression, you must keep a cool mind.
Y/N lunged at her only for her to move to the side and whack him with her staff.
Viridi: Underworld is attacking! Send him! Use light! I don't care!
Y/N cracked his knuckles before running out the window, diving for another city.
Viridi: someday he's going to die from that, just saying.
Y/N was in free fall, diving for the ground below.
Pit continued to fly, only to be hit from above by Y/N. Both went hurtling towards the city and crashed into one of the buildings, where a little girl was standing in the room sucking on a lollipop.
Pit: what were the chances!?
Y/N got up and saw the girl staring at them.
Girl: are you an angel?
Y/N: she's asking you something Pit.
Pit: well I uh....yes.
Girl: and what are you?
Y/N: not good with kids.
Y/N jumped from the hole in the house and tackled one of the passing by Miks.
Pit: remember to pray.
Pit jumped out the hole in the house and landed in the streets below, pulling out his bow and running through the streets, slashing at whatever he could.
Y/N punched the Mik, making it disappear and throwing him into Town's Square. He stood up and cracked his knuckles, looking around to see the underworld army flowing around the city as if it were a tsunami.
Y/N saw a small family running, one of them tripped, trying to help the wounded father up. A reaper saw them and it went absolutely berserk, running quickly towards them.
Child: Daddy!
Y/N rolled his eyes before screaming and tackling the Reaper into the building and hitting it.
Y/N: Run!
Y/N grabbed the scythe and jammed it into the Reaper's head.
Y/N: hate these things!
Y/N backed away, meeting with Pit, then seeing they're surrounded by monsters.
Y/N: hope you're prepared for the fight of your life.
Pit: if we do make it out of this, I think a buffet is in order.
Y/N: I can get behind that.
Y/N's eyes turned light blue, glowing for the Underworld army on his side to see, his voice sounded very mechanized when he spoke with his eyes glowing.
Y/N: prepare for death!
Y/N's mouth filled with a blue aura as he fired it upon the Underworld troops, taking them out by the dozens. Pit began firing off his bow, hitting the Underworld troops.
Y/N stopped his blast before pushing Pit to the ground and shot at a Mik coming from above.
Pit: thanks.
Y/N: don't mention it.
Pit shoved Y/N to the side and stabbed a reapette.
Y/N: thanks.
Viridi: we need to help them!
Palutena: what's that?
The rose from before began to become larger, and its thorns began to leak poison.
Viridi: the Rose is crying out in pain! I can feel it!
Hades: well is that something.
Palutena and Viridi turned around to see Hades standing there.
Palutena: you are not welcome here!
Hades: you honestly believe I will leave just because you said that, since I like you I'm gonna tell you something, that rose now has more of me in it than ever.
The Rose began to rise over the city, massive vines came from the side, all slamming on the ground, making a king of rhythm.
Pit: what is that?!
Y/N: hold them off, I got this.
The petals began to fall as the rose became bigger and bigger, until finally it revealed a giant crocodile like face. Y/N ran through the streets slowly transforming into Godzilla. The giant plant roared into the sky with a high pitched roar, it's vines still giving a beat.
Y/N then transformed completely into Godzilla and went to hit it, only to be knocked in the chest by one of the vines, putting him to the ground.

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