Chapter Eleven

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Can woken up with a splitting headache and a sore butt.

"Owww what the hell happened last night?" He thought and sat up rubbing his eyes yawned.

The blanket that covered him fell and he realized

"What the hell? Why am I naked?" He yelled out and at that moment he look around

"I'm home but who sent me home?" He wondered and at that moment there was a knock at the door.

"P'Can breakfast is ready. Take the medicine that's in front of your door. And P'Tin said to stay home today" she said and soon left.

It took Can a few minutes to process the small information before he yelled out "oii ai'asshole!"

Can got up and freshened up opened the door and found the medicine along with water.

He took it and went down to see the table set with breakfast.

He ate forgetting about the pain but it came back to him once he got up to clean.

"S-shiaaa. It's painful. That asshole!"Can swore and slowly got to the sink and wash up.

He decided to watch TV and ended up watching a football game. His movement were limited due to the pain.

Then Ley came down and saw her brother shake her head

"P'Can" Ley began and Can look at her

"What?" he ask and Ley smirked

"P'Tin said not to leave na. Promise Ley you won't leave the house" Ley said. "I will go make lunch" she proceed to the kitchen.

Can went to Gucci and found the fluffy dog chewing on his dog toy.

"Gucci" he called Gucci and the dog went to him making Can smile slightly while stroking the dog.

It was peaceful until he received a call from Wit.

"" Wit said

Can panicked "oii where are you?"

Wit told him the location and Can ran out of the house much to Ley's dismay who called Tin.

"Hello P"Tin" she said

"Yes Ley what's wrong? Where's Can?" Tin ask

"I don know. He rushed out after he received a call from his friend...what was his name...Wit I think" Ley said and Tin quickly got up from his bed and got his wallet and keys soon left the house.

"Got it thanks Ley" Tin said and ended the call.

The turned on the app to detect Can and found him at a warehouse just a few minutes away from town

"What the he are you thinking Can" he though as he drove towards the location. But he didn't expect the worst once he arrived.

Tin called for his P "P call the group now to xxxx warehouse" hr hung up and got the car parked nearby and saw Can being brought in by two thugs.

Can was unconscious and Tin knew they used the chloroform.

"That idiot" he gritted his teeth and followed the thugs in.

He saw Wit standing in front of Can who was settled and tied on a hospital bed now naked.

Wit took off his clothes and lay next to Can. Taking out his phone he took quite a lot of pictures sending to Tul and Tin.

Tin got angry and was about to go for attack when the police siren were heard and Can woken up.

Amongst all the commotion Can woke up and Wit panicked he slipped the phone onto the ground and accidentally smack Can with his elbow.

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