Living Nightmare

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     Suddenly, I heard an extremely loud crash. I jolted upright, and found myself in a familiar room. Not the hotel I was supposed to be in, but a room that I'd stayed in before, and remembered quite well. It's Caesar's house, my mind noted. I thought I had a general understanding of what was going on. I was dreaming. Why else would I be there? I knew that last time my eyes were open, I was going to sleep in the hotel.
     The voice didn't come back, I noticed with a little dismay. Another thought came. Or maybe they're here, and it's just that I can see this time. So they might still be around here somewhere...
     I was just about to get up and explore my dream when the door to the room was thrown open. Speedwagon stood there in the doorway, panting heavily. He was leaning on the wall, looking more exhausted than I'd ever seen him, a deep gash seeping blood through his sea-foam-blonde hair. A dark weariness lay in his expression. I forgot that none of it was real, and jumped out of the bed worriedly.
     "Speedwagon!" I exclaimed, rushing to support him as he tried to stand. When I reached out to lift up his arm, my hand phased right through it. It surprised me, but I didn't think on it for long. "What happened?"
     "Kak- Kakyoin?" He stuttered, and gave me a very dull, yet surprised look. "How are you here? Did something happen? Maybe I'm seeing things..."
     I tried again to upright him, but my motions phased through him. "Speedwagon, it's okay. I'm here, you're not dreaming." I did my best at keeping my voice level, but I was having a hard time. "Come rest. Tell me what happened."
     He began to stumble over to the bed, but collapsed on the floor after only a meter or so. Unable to stand, he just scooted over to the wall and propped himself up on it. He was covered in injuries. His clothes were soaked with blood and there were deep cuts and gashes all over his body. His breathing was shallow and quick, and he was barely holding onto consciousness.
     "It was Void," Speedwagon rasped. "We'd gathered the others from across the universe. There were... seven of us. But The Void found us. It came violently, without any strategy, just brute force to overwhelm us. And..." He coughed wearily. "And this happened."
     "Where are the others?"
     "I don't know," he choked. "I don't know where they are. Everything happened so quickly... I didn't see them. Not one." He paused for a while, trying to take deeper breaths. "The Void. I think it got them. I think it killed them, the lot of 'em. And Jonathan..." Speedwagon paused again, a mix between a wince and a groan carrying in his voice when he continued. "I don't know."
     I took a blanket from the bed, tore off a piece, and tied it around the gash on Speedwagon's head. I couldn't touch him specifically, but I had no problem touching the objects in the room. It was strange that I furthermore wasn't able to touch his clothes, but I didn't think too hard about it. I was starting to remember that this was a dream. Dreams aren't always realistic, and don't correlate with the real world. Speedwagon isn't actually hurt, my mind noted. He's likely traveling around with Jonathan at the moment, still looking for the other survivors.
     "Kakyoin, how are you here?" He asked quietly. "This doesn't make any sense. That is, if I'm not hallucinating."
     I sighed. "I guess I'm dreaming, Speedwagon. Kinda wishing I'd wake up." He looked at me very surprisedly.
     "You're dreaming? Kakyoin, no, this is... This is real! You're really here somehow. I know I'm real. I'm not a dream, Kakyoin. I don't know how this can happen, but you have to trust-" his voice turned into a raspy growl as he was thrown into a coughing fit. I tried again to support him as he choked up small spats of blood, but I was still unable to touch him. After multiple attempts, I eventually gave up on helping him and was forced to frustratedly sit and watch him gasp for breath.
     Once he began to breathe normally again, I tied another piece of the blanket around his arm. "This really isn't a dream?" I noted half to myself. Fear pricked me inside. "So, this really did happen to you? Did Void enslave them? Or did it... kill them?" He shook his head wearily.
     "I don't know."
     I used the remainder of the blanket to cover Speedwagon, who was now shivering in pain. As he sat there, bleeding and trying to keep himself conscious, I had an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. All of this happened since we've been gone? I briefly remembered when Caesar explained the concept of time across the dimensions. It's hardly been any time at all since we left. Can't be sure exactly how long, though... Two days, which is what? A few hours for them? I didn't plan on asking Speedwagon. He needed rest.
     And just when it seemed things couldn't get much worse, I began to hear a familiar humming noise. Something I hoped I'd never hear again. I whipped around to see that large Void Threads were seeping in from the doorway, sucking up all light and color as they swept over the walls. This can't be happening...
     I began to strategize. We're cornered rats in this room. But given that Void hasn't taken the entire house yet, it's safe to say he hasn't taken the rest of the dimension either. I summoned Hierophant. I'll tear apart the wall over there, and we'll make a run for it. Glancing at Speedwagon, I changed the last thought. Actually, I think I'll have to carry him. I can't touch him, but maybe if I wrap the quilt around him, I'll be able to use it to drag him out of here.
     I tried to send Hierophant to begin breaking down the wall, but the only response I received was a sharp, stabbing pain. It was like someone had shoved a knife into my throat, except nothing had hit me. Like the pain had come from the inside.
     "Wh- What?" I choked, a little bit of blood dripping from my mouth. Crap, there's blood in my windpipe. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and turned to look at Hierophant. Two Void Threads had him restrained around his shoulders. I realized after a moment that they didn't have him restrained at all, but that he simply wouldn't respond to my commands. I tried to will him to move again. No response came save for another stabbing pain.
     "What's going on?" I grabbed the wound on my neck, which was throbbing in pain. With the Threads covering more of the room, I tried again in desperation to make my Stand move. This time, the response was a malicious laugh.
"You're under my control now," a dark voice echoed through the room. "Hierophant Green."
Before I had any time to think, at least ten Void Threads had been shot at me by my own Stand. I managed to dodge most of them, but one of them struck me on my right arm. A sharp pain shot through me. I quickly realized the mistake I'd made.
I should've known better than to summon Hierophant, especially after what happened to Magician's Red last time! As long as Void is near me, he can control my Stand. I took a glance at my darkening surroundings. There's no way out of this, I thought hopelessly. The room would be completely covered in Void soon. I'd lost control of Hierophant, who was readying another attack, and Speedwagon seemed to be unconscious now. In my frustration, I whipped around and slammed my fist on the wall. Not that I could knock it down without Hierophant's help. I'm such an idiot, my thoughts scolded. I should've known this would happen. There has to be another way out of here...
I heard a sound from the other side of the wall. Silencing my thoughts for a moment, I listened closely. It's like the wall is... Breaking? Yeah. That's the sound of drywall being torn. But... why?
With a powerful crack, the wall was suddenly burst open, its pieces being thrown into the floor. I jumped back in alarm. A cloud of dust and debris puffed into the room, and flames licked at the sides of the wall. As the dust cleared, a familiar figure became visible.
     Avdol? I was amazed. But how? That timing was... perfect. If he'd come only ten seconds later, Void would've already taken me. It gave me an odd feeling, as if the universe itself were trying to help me. Trying to cheer us on in defeating The Void. Looking back on it now, it was probably pure coincidence. But still, for hope to come in such a hopeless situation. It was sort of encouraging, I think.
     Determination shone in Avdol's eyes. "Kakyoin, are you okay?" I nodded, bewildered.
     "Yeah," I replied, though I don't know if it was entirely true. He tensed up as his attention was drawn to Speedwagon.
     "Speedwagon! Is he..."
     I shook my head. "He's only unconscious. I think he'll be fine if-" I was cut off, more Void Threads having struck me in my arm and waist and thrown me to the ground. I coughed up a spat of blood and covered my mouth to try to stop more from escaping. Avdol winced.
     "There's no way we can defeat Void here and now," he said, taking a weary glance at the Void-controlled Hierophant Green. "We have no choice but to run, Kakyoin. If we can get out of here, I think Void will lose access to your Stand."
     "What about Speedwagon?" I coughed as he helped me to my feet. "We can't touch him- so if we're all going to get out of here, we'll have to drag him with the quilt..."
     "I'll get him. You go find Iggy, he's here somewhere. I was with him earlier, but we were split up by The Void."
     "And when I find him?" I replied uncertainly. He looked somewhat troubled. I'm sure I did too. The only way to get out of there would be to enter another dimension. But every time we'd done that up to this point, it'd been with the help of someone who knew how to do it. Even if we were all able to regroup, what were we supposed to do? Beg for mercy?
     A cackling laugh broke into my thoughts. "You fools," it rang through the air. "I don't even need to control your Stand to enslave you. You idiots don't even know how to escape!" There was a flash as my Hierophant was released. It felt like a chain had been taken off of my very soul. It's about time, I thought with a relieved sigh. The voice continued. "My Void will take you easily. This is the final fight between my Stand and the mortal realm! I've overcome every survivor to the ends of every dimension. You are my last."
The ends of every dimension, my mind echoed. Of course! Breaches! Nearly every spirit Stand can create a breach into another dimension... If we can just regroup, we may yet be able to reach this world's edge before The Void does.
"I've got an idea," I told Avdol, and pointed towards the pastel blue horizon. "Just take Speedwagon and head away from The Void. Caesar told me something the other day that might get us out of here. Just trust me." He nodded
     "Be careful, Kakyoin."
     "I will."
     At this, Avdol set off towards the dimension's edge. I silently hoped that the dimension wasn't too big, or at least that we were near the end. The way the others had spoken about it in the past made it seem like it was a small pocket. I hoped that was right.
     Void Threads stretched across the ground, trying to tear it out from under my feet. I had a little bit of experience in dodging them, so I was able to make my way around as long as I was quick. They'd catch me if I stayed in one spot for too long. I can't say I wasn't afraid- in fact I was terrified. Memories kept coming back to me, of holding onto the the weak edge of the ground, just inches from from a growing abyss. I'll have to save myself this time, I decided. But I won't let Void get the best of me. All I have to do is find Iggy, and hopefully I can figure out how to create a breach.
     While I searched through the quickly darkening dimension, I had some time to reflect. My thoughts were stirred, reminding me how impossible it all was. How did I even end up here? The reality of the situation was catching up to me. How did I get here? I was in a hotel, with Jotaro and Joseph. So what happened? Is it... One of our Stand abilities, and we just don't know it?
     "Noriaki!" The call broke me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Caesar and Iggy running to me, trying to avoid the Threads that were tearing the dimension apart. Caesar was bleeding heavily and Iggy had a dark scratch on his chest that told me he was infected. Could be worse.
     "Caesar, Iggy," I began, relieved to see them. "Do you have any idea what's going on?" Caesar nodded.
     "One of you must have the power to somehow create breaches from Earth to other dimensions. An unusual power. It also seems that, because we're temporarily mortal, we can't touch spirits." He sighed. "That cost the life of a survivor earlier. We were unable to save him, though he was in pretty bad condition anyways..." There was a short pause. "How have you been holding up?"
     "Things have been better," I replied with an empty laugh. I would've liked to say I was doing well, but I was honestly doing worse than I had in quite a while. I think at least a little stress had been relieved now that Caesar was here and I didn't have to worry about making my own breach, but otherwise, things were going pretty bad. "Avdol was here earlier. He's trying to stay out of The Void for the time being, while I came back to look for you two."
     "Yeah," Iggy replied, a small wince in his voice as the scratch on his chest bled. "I saw him earlier, but we were split up. Ran into Caesar after that."
     Caesar had a dark look in his eyes. "Since the man we saw earlier- I didn't catch his name before Void took him- we haven't seen anyone else. I fear that there aren't any remaining survivors."
     "There's one. Speedwagon is still with us, last I saw."
"Speedwagon?" He seemed surprised, and for good reason. Speedwagon could hardly fend for himself. He even told us directly that his Stand wasn't suited for fighting. "Where is he? And what kind of condition is he in?"
     "He's with Avdol," I told him. His nerves seemed to ease. "Last time I was with them, Speedwagon was hardly conscious, if conscious at all. If we head towards the horizon over there," I pointed to where I knew Avdol should be, "I think we can-"
     A terrible laugh echoed through the air, interrupting me, and more Void Threads streaked across the ground tearing it right out from under our feet. In an instant, we had fallen through the very fabric of the dimension. I summoned Hierophant and grabbed onto the ledge. Caesar's Stand grabbed onto mine, though I didn't get a good look at it, and Iggy caught the bottom of my jacket with his teeth. I sent some of Hierophant's threads to hold onto him.
That was so quick, I thought, gritting my teeth. It happened so fast... How are we supposed to compete with this Stand? I gripped the edge tighter. If I can just pull us back up...
     Void struck Hierophant's hand. I winced, but tried to ignore the pain.
     "You think you're so smug, don't you?" A dark voice called. "No matter how hard I try, you still refuse to fall to your death!" It laughed again, the sound driving through the air around me. "No matter. Noriaki Kakyoin, Iggy, Caesar Zeppeli, Muhammad Avdol, Robert Speedwagon... I know something you don't!" I assumed Avdol could hear him too, and Speedwagon if he was awake. "I know that despite whatever you devise to escape, this has been the final straw. The spirits of the dead no longer hold me back. I control everything that's ever been! You will just watch in despair as the mortal world falls victim to me, just as this world has."
My mind was filled with the sound of his disgusting, vile laughter, as the world around me dissolved into black.

A Torn Journal - Noriaki Kakyoin - Status: AliveWhere stories live. Discover now