Chapter 3 \Catch a Hint \

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The trio parted ways in the parking lot with a few parting words. The two girls slid into the car and were silent as they let the past few hours roll around in their heads.

"That was weird," Charlotte finally stated while sliding farther down in the passenger seat. Maddie was quiet for a moment before turning her eyes to the other girl for a moment before focusing back on the road. "...right?" she questioned as she turned her head to the red head who grip on the steering wheel had turned almost white.

"I was doing some research under the table when you were trying to get Bobby to talk to you about vampires,"

"Yeah and?"

"I don't know it's just...the police reports for all the missing people. It was all making more sense than it should have," She spared a glance to her friend before shaking her head. "See now I sound crazy," she tried to laugh it off but the sound was fake even to her own ears.

"You're not crazy, Mads," Charlie stated. "Got a few lose screws but you're not crazy," she teased at the end not being able to help herself. She got a light slap on the arm as the two girls laughed for a moment.

"Theoretically speaking though," Maddie said once their laughter had died down. "If what he said was true, and all that stuff does exist...what would we do,"

"Theoretically?" Charlotte reiterated, getting a nod in response. "then I would say we should invest in a flame thrower and a nice set of silver knives. Oh, and salt. Lots and lots of salt,"

"Good plan,"

"All theoretical though," Charlotte said softly. Staring out the window on their way back to their shared apartment both girls found themselves staring a little harder into the woods that they passed. Once they arrived at their complex the girls walked quickly to their door. They both carried their pepper spray that normally hung loosely on their keys a little closer tonight.

Both girls excused themselves for the night and went to their separate rooms. Maddie passed her large orange tabby named Fred on her way. Scooping him up in her arms she called a good night to Charlotte who was putting Jackie on her leash to let her out for a moment.

Stepping outside the blonde looked around suspiciously while waiting for her dog to be done with her business. The sound of leaves crunching made her head snap to the right, ready to face a mythical attacker. Instead her upstairs neighbor Daren walked closer. His own dog letting out a yip at the sight of its friend.

"Hey Charlotte?" He said waving with a grin that always gave her the creeps.

"Daren," she replied plainly with a nod in his direction. Her dog still continued to sniff around and didn't look to be ready to be done quickly. Looking down at her phone she tried to make herself seem busy so he wouldn't stop and talk to her more.

"How's your night been?" He asked while leaning against one of the trees that were planted by the large plot of grass they were standing at.

"fine," She said with a cold tone. The man couldn't catch a hint that someone didn't want to talk to him if it hit him in the face.

"How's Maddie," and there was the magic words she was waiting to hear.

"Great," she said with a nod. "super great," she popped the 'p' in super as she rocked back o her heals.

Daren had been obsessed with the red head since they had moved into the little town 6 months ago. He constantly found reasons to be by their apartment, these nightly walks by their apartment were no coincidence. There were times he would even show up to their job just to catch a glimpse of the girl. The two girls worked at the same Bar and Grill so Charlotte took notice. Maddie luckily though worked in the kitchen, cooking and baking to her heart's desire in the back. Charlotte worked as a bartender and occasional waitress if they were understaffed, no one came in without her noticing. And Daren showing up almost every time Maddie had a shift was evidence enough that the man had a stalking issue.

"She still seeing that douche bag, Brian?" He almost growled out at the blonde. Oh Brian, the girls panicked one time and said she was seeing a guy from out of town. Thus, the birth of Brian. They had kept up the lie for the last month much to their amusement. They made him out to be some bulked-up man who was away working on some important job. Sadly this did not seem to turn Daren off of the girl. No just tended to be a word that went in one word and out the other for the overly persistnat creep.

That being said Daren may have given the girls the chills but he was by no means unattractive. He was easy on the eyes but he gave off the vibe that screamed "I want to cut off your face and wear it". He also had a staring issue that would see any sane women running for the hills if given the chance.

"I don't think that's any of your business Daren," She replied as Jackie finally decided to pee. She sent a slight glare to her dog who didn't take any notice.

"I'm just concerned for her is all," He said while putting his hands up in a surrendering motion. "Jesus don't bite my head off," he was quick to flip any situation to make himself the victim. The girl didn't care though and could spot a snake any day of the week.

"Well don't be, Brian takes real good care of her so no need to worry," Her voice held a bite to it that he finally noticed. His face seemed to scrunch up as he tried to hide his obvious rage.

"Then, where is he?"

"I'm not playing 20 questions with you Daren, I have better things to do with my night," She said before picking her dog up who was sniffing around his dog. Turning she gave him an unimpressed look over her shoulder before going back to her apartment. Making sure to dead bolt the door as she went inside she set Jackie down.

"I don't know about you Jax, but mommy is ready to mellow out and watch Greys Anatomy," the dog looked up at her with its tail wagging away excitedly. Grabbing her stash from her room she walked on the balcony and proceeded to light the end of joint she had rolled the night before but didn't get around to. Inhaling it for a moment she let it settle in her lungs before producing a large white cloud from her lips.

Maddie was sat in her room and heard the sound of the balcony opening and closing signaling that Charlotte was outside having her me time. Looking back at her laptop she continued her research. Fred walked across her bed while letting out random sounds and chatter demanding his master's attention.

"Needy," She mumbled with a smile while picking him up to sit in her lap. On the screen, she read more about wendigo's. The lore on it was extensive. There were so many different telling's of the beast, so many different names for it from cultures across the world. She let herself sink into the information for another 10 minutes before she closed her laptop and fell backwards to rest against her large array of pillows. "I'm losing it Fred, it's the only explanation to why I suddenly want all those things Bobby said to be real," The cat let out another long meow which had Maddie letting out a soft laugh.

"Good talk buddy," leaning over she shut off her light and slid under the covers. Turning her TV on to another random sitcom she let herself be lulled to sleep. Her dreams filled that night with what she could only imagine were monsters, but in her dreams, she wasn't running from them. She was fighting them.


Hope y'all enjoyed it!!

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