Week 1

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Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment of the body 

The mechanism involves sensory receptors, control center with a set point (37degree)


Body temperature

Blood pressure

Blood glucose concentration 

Body Cavities  -  Principal Viscera

Cranial Cavity -- Brain 

Vertebral Cavity -- Spinal cord

Thoracic Cavity --  Lungs, Heart 

Abdominal Cavity --  Digestive organs, kidneys 

Pelvic Cavity -- Bladder, rectum, reproductive organs

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Directional terms 

Tip to understand- look at the subject behind first then to the front


To the top                                  

The head is superior to the chest


Away from the head 

 The stomach is inferior to the chin

Ventral [ Anterior]

In front of the body 

The rib cage is anterior to the spine

Dorsal [Posterior] 

The back of the body

The heart is posterior to the rib cage


Toward the middle line of the body 

The heart is medial to the arms

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