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the bell rings as i enter class. i'm panting heavily and my sweat is dripping down my forehead. everyone looks at me but they look away after. i looked at the seat beside mine to see an empty seat. 

what am i thinking. he's literally taking his own sweet time so he can't be in school earlier than me who ran like a mad woman. i settled down and Mr Jeon comes in class to mark attendance and say some announcements.

"so i know many of you have been waiting for this announcement so i will be announcing it right now." Mr Jeon stops for a while as he brings up thrill and suspense in all of us. i personally don't know anything since i don't know what has been the talk of the school before i transferred so i wait patiently til Mr Jeon spills the tea.

"for our level trip this year, the school has decided to bring all of you to jeju!" Mr Jeon proudly announces and squeals broke out from some of the girls. the whole class is now talking about how nice jeju is and some had some ideas coming out of their mouths. 

"omg sijin, it's at jeju!!" jiwoo looks back at me as she shakes my table and i smiled. 

oh no, jeju. 

"okay okay, calm down guys. the trip will be on the 20th of september so you have 2 months to prepare for it. the trip is after your semester exams and we'll be in jeju for a week. forms will be given out in a week or two so do look out for that. do let your parents know too. any other questions, please see me in the office." Mr Jeon then leaves the class as the period bell rings.

yoonbin comes in from the back after 2 minutes since Mr Jeon went off. he settles down and doesn't even give me a look. 

"do you know what you just missed?" i asked him with my eyes wide open, expecting a "what did i?" reply.

and what was i thinking when i expected that type of response because all i got was "i don't really care about what i missed" and he didn't even give a look at me.

"well, it's about our school trip" i spilled the tea, hoping to get some attention and he looks at me. finally. 

"i don't go to school trips" he looks away and lays his head on the table.

isn't the trip compulsory though? there's a way to opt out of the trip? i would never want to return there without my parents.

i took out my phone and sent a text to my family's group chat.

"mom, dad. our school trip is to jeju. should i not go?" i click the send button and put away my phone as the history teacher comes in.

"good morning mrs lee" my class says in one and she proceeds to teach. i really love history. not only do we learn about korea's history but also other countries such as the West countries and Japan with Asia. my hand always want to break during history because the teacher says a lot and i have to take down.

one studying tip is to write a lot of things down so you will know them. i don't know how to explain but when you keep writing things down, it helps you memorize it too. i suggest to write proper notes with reference to the notes and then another sketch one in pencil and see if you know most of it. it really works for me and that's one way i don't cramp revision a few days before the exam.

"class, here's a homework you really hate" my teacher holds a pile of papers up to the air and the class whines.

worksheet homework? i don't really get it why people complain so much about homwork. i do get it when the amount is too much for a short periof of time but if it's an understandable amount, i don't see the reason to whine.

"project work" she says and the class whined more. and i'm one of the students. 

well, in my defence, i didn't know it was a project work they dislike. and for me, i really hate project works because first of all, the amount of time i have to spend on it is terribly long. i have other things to do in a daily basis. and lastly, project works in korea are mostly group works and even though i'm fine with working with other classmates, i hate the fact that at least someone in the group wouldn't care about the work and just go missing in action the entire time and gets the grade all of us worker really hard for. totally unfair.

"enough of the whine because no whine can make this project go away. so suck it up and here's a twist in the project. it won't be the usual 4 people in a group. it's 2 in a group" she smiles. jiwoo and i looked at each other immediately, having a mind talk about how we're gonna be each other's partners.

"but, to make life easier and no one left out, your partners will be your table mate." she smiles wider with a lowkey devilish hint in it and the whines in the class grew louder. i stone in place and looked at my tablemate. yoonbin.

life had to be kidding me. literally here we have a person who look like he wouldn't give any care for this project and just throw everything on me. wow great. this is how unlucky i am. can someone save me. 

a gave out a big sigh at the imagination of me crying as i do all the work on my study table back at home. my life is going to be miserable because of this project. 

Mrs Lee gives out the project papers and i read the entire thing almost immediately after receiving it. we were required to go for outings to visit historical sights in korea. pick three and write about them. cool. cool. now i have to go to an outing by myself and pick three sites? wow, life couldn't get any better. and the paper is due in two weeks time.

"right now, i will give you the rest of the class to discuss where you and your partner want to go and distribute the work amongst the both of you" she sits in front of the class and starts reading her history book

"so, i know you're not gonna help but you should try to pretend that you're discussing with me and at least help out right now." i turn to yoonbin and he looks at me.

he raises his brows before saying, "you know i don't like loading off people. i will help out in the project so tell me where you want to go for that historical thing. we'll set a date and finish this thing" and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the longest sentence he had said since i came.

"you see, i've always wanted to go to Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, Changdeokgung Palace Complex and the last one, you can pick." i said excitedly. i'm really interested in the joseon dynastry's history and visiting the royal tombs is so interesting and exciting. now that there's a chance to visit, i would really want it to happen. 

"okay, i want to go to Traditional Buddhist Mountain Temples of Korea. drop the dates and we'll go for it" he says and takes the paper in hand to read it.

"i'll write about Traditional Buddhist Mountain Temples of Korea and you'll write one of the sites you chose. we'll write the other one together." he distributes the work and he goes back to sleeping.

i smile.

I SMILED?! lol, why am i like this.

i'm actually surprised that he's taking most of the lead right now. he's telling me what to do and distributes the work. totally opposite from what i thought.

i took out my phone and searched up possible routes to the historical sites. it's a really long journey though. we have to take a train and then a bus to the historical sites i picked. we could go to yoonbin's one on another day because it's at the other side of korea so it would be very draining if we go on one day only. 

i wrote down the plan on a paper and placed it carefully on yoonbin's table. i placed it beside him on his table to realise a cute little bunny head that i drew back during class. it was so cute that i wanted to take it back.

it was too late though, the bell rang for break and jiwoo grabs my arms to the canteen before ui could even give my bunny another glance before it ends up in yoonbin's hands. i bet he wouldn't even keep such cute drawings. he would just crush it in between his fingers like he didn't see it at all.

why am i being too dramatic over a bunny drawing by the way? i question myself real hard. why.

[ a really long chapter but sijin has yoonbin in her head alr omg, where do you think this is going? vote and comment anyways ;) ]

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