3 - Vlogging and Embarrassment

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Aurora's POV:

“THIS PARTY IS AMAZYIN!” Indie slurred drunkenly. I just laughed in response, taking a sip of my J20. I didn't drink, but she was so drunk off of her ass that it was amazing she was still standing. Just as I thought this, the Macarena started, and Indie ran to the middle of the dance floor and began to dance, getting a move wrong every so often.

“Hey,” Zoe came to stand beside me, her arm linked through Alfie's, “God, Indie's pretty drunk, isn't she?”

“You could say that,” I chuckled, “How come you guys are still sober?”

“Oh, I am. Alfie however...” she gestured to her boyfriend, who was watching the dancing eagerly.

“Zoeeee!” he moaned, “Let's go danceeee!”

“Noo Alfie!” the brunette rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.


“Go on Zoe,” I teased. She gave me a jokey glare.

“Fine, Alfie, we can dance,” she said.

“Yay!” he proceeded to pull his girlfriend towards the dance floor. I rolled my eyes and set my drink on a nearby table before making my way to the door. I needed some air; it was absolutely boiling in there. Just as I was about to reach the door, my foot connected with something and I felt myself falling. Luckily, some strong arms managed to catch me.

“Thank you,” I said breathlessly.

“It's no problem,” The person said, helping me up. I was met with the beautiful eyes of Marcus Butler staring at me with concern.

“Marcus...” I breathed, but then remembered how stupid I must look, “Um, really, thank you. I would have looked like an idiot if it weren't for you.”

“No problem,” he gave me a cute half smile, “He-llo Aurora!”

“Hey!” I grinned. Marcus had told me the first night at dinner that he was a fan of my videos and that he though I was a really good singer and funny as well, and I had just modestly brushed it off, but now as I was remembering his words I found myself blushing furiously.

“Were you going outside for air?”

“Yes, actually,” I responded, noticing the phone in his hand, “Did I interrupt a vlog?”

“Yeah, but it's cool,” he shrugged it off, “I was just filming the dancing. You can be in it if you want.”

“Really? That would be awesome!” I grinned.

“Great!” he flipped the video around so it was on our faces. I brushed a stray hair out of my face and smiled for the camera, thankful that I looked at least halfway decent.

“He-llo!” Marcus smiled cheerfully at the camera, “I'm here at this party with Aurora, aka LittleMissSleepingBeauty. Her channel link will be in the description, so be sure to check her out.”

“Hi guys!” I waved at the camera.

“It's so loud in here, so sorry if you can't hear us!” Marcus explained, “But there's a bunch of youtubers here and about 99% are drunk as hell.”

“We're that wonderful yet painfully dull 1%,” I giggled, “But at least it allows us to remember Indie's amazing version of the Macarena.”

“Oh, yeah!” Marcus said, laughing at the memory before stopping the video and looking at me, “Should we go outside so they can hear us? This party is boring anyway.”

Trapped ~ Danisnotonfire, Marcus ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now