6 - Cry Me A River

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Listen to the song in the side barrrrr!

Indie’s POV

After cleaning up my tears in the bathroom of the restaurant, we went and sat back down, and just as I did, Dan asked me to talk with him outside. I stood up again and started to walk to the entrance with Dan, and I swear I nearly collapsed when I felt Dan’s hand on my lower back, guiding me outside. Once outside, we both went to sit on that bench that I was sat on earlier when I first came outside. “What did you want to talk about?” I asked after a minute of sitting in silence. “Well, I just wanted to ask if you were ok”

“You could have asked me that when we were back in the restaurant.” I stated with a clenched jaw, feeling awkward and vulnerable. I don’t really know why I was feeling vulnerable, I guess I just didn’t like being alone with someone in an awkward situation, it made me feel… well, vulnerable.

“But you would have said you were fine, when I know for a fact that you’re really not. Come on, spill” I sighed and stood up, facing the road and watching all the cars whiz by, before turning back to Dan, who was still sat on the bench but this time was looking at me, rather than watching the cars. “I just feel a bit weird” I said, trying not to ‘Spill’ everything that I was trying to keep to myself, like the fact that I have the biggest crush on Dan known to man.

Then again, it’s not known to many people so I suppose that saying doesn’t really work- Indie, focus!

“How do you mean?” Dan asked, cocking his head to the side.

“Well you and I spent a night making out and then slept in the same bed, and now we’re acting like it never happened”

What was that about not spilling anything, Indie?

“I thought you wanted us to continue as friends?” Dan asked, narrowing his eyes

“I- I can’t- I don’t-“ I stammered, not sure what to say without lying to him.

“Because that’s what you seemed to imply” My jaw dropped.

How dare he try to pin this on me!

“No Dan, that’s what YOU implied when you completely friend-zoned me!” I spat, narrowing my eyes.

“What? I friend-zoned you? I wasn’t even aware that I NEEDED to friend-zone you. Indie, do you” he faltered, frowning “Do you like me?”

“What? No” I said in a high-pitched voice.

“Well what’s your problem then?”

“It’s just wrong”

“What is?” Dan was getting annoyed now, I could tell. His face was displaying every emotion he held towards me in that moment, which was mostly annoyance and anger. “What do you think is wrong Dan?”

“I don’t know and I honestly don’t care”

Fucking rude.

“What’s wrong is that you spend a fucking night eating my fucking face then in the morning you take pleasure in friend-zoning me! Don’t you think that’s a bit wrong?”

“Indie, I don’t see what your problem is! Yeah, we kissed, but it meant nothing! It was a drunken mistake, you’re a drunken mistake, and I honestly regret meeting you at that party! It’s my biggest regret”

Ouch. Fucking ouch.

I felt tears slip down from my eyes as I slapped Dan around the face.

“Present, from your biggest regret” I stated before I started running in the direction of the hotel, leaving Dan behind me. I ran but my feet started to hurt, so I took off my shoes and continued to run to the hotel room in my bare feet, my heels swinging from their straps on my fingertips. Once I got into the room, I collapsed onto my bed and only then did I allow myself to let out the sobs that I had trapped in my chest.

Trapped ~ Danisnotonfire, Marcus ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now