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Indie's POV

“INDIE, GET UP NOW!” I moaned at the shouting in my ear and opened my eye slightly to see Aurora’s face over mine, a cross expression was plastered onto her pale face.

“Too early” I moaned at her, turning over and burying my face in my pillow. I felt someone pull the covers off of me and I shivered at the cold room. “Piss off”

“I’m guessing you don’t want to go to the YouTube event and meet a certain Daniel Howell then? Shame.”

I shot up and stared at my best friend in shock. “DAN’S GOING TO BE THERE?!”

“He said he was going to last minute, Phil is going to be there on Monday as he’s doing something with his family but Dan’s coming earlier.”

“FUCK YEAH!” I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get ready.


“TAXI!” Aurora shouted from the lounge. I slung my backpack on my shoulder and grabbed my suitcase. We both ran out of the front door and to the lift which we piled in, tugging in our luggage behind us. Once we were down in the lobby of the apartment building we piled our things in the taxi which was waiting for us and climbed in, headed to Heathrow airport.


I hate airplanes. I wasn’t even sat with Aurora! Some fat guy sat in her seat and she had to go into his seat which was two rows behind me! At least we both had our laptops with a wide variety of Disney films to watch or I would have died. The flight is only an hour from London to the bottom on the Alps but once we reach the airport we will have to take a taxi up the mountain which will take from two to two and a half hours. Fuck my life!

We were going to a YouTube convention (which isn’t a yearly thing). It had been put on specially to raise money for a charity called ‘Clover’ which is supporting Cancer patients. If I'm honest I thought it was a charity for butter. The organisation who set up everything is called ‘GeoScape’. I was shocked when I received the Email asking me to go along and perform on stage in front of loads of people even though I’m not a famous YouTuber. Well I had a fair few subscribers, my number being at 394, 297 and Aurora’s number was 394, 312. We also had a joint channel which was just for comedy sketches and that was around 286, 296. I was proud of us.


Once we got off the plane and found our bags, we walked out to try and find our taxi driver. I found a man holding up our YouTube names: ‘IndieSkies’ and ‘LittleMissSleepingBeauty’. My name is very much like CharlieSkies’ name but I didn’t even know he existed until last year when I started stalking Dan’s twitter. I’d been watching Dan for two years; I hadn’t been a fan for long, but I was still hyperventilating at the thought of meeting him. We walked over to the man with our sign and introduced ourselves. The man grunted and then told us to follow him out to the taxi. Charming.


We had finally got up the mountain and it was 12:37. We were on the road for FOUR FUCKING HOURS! We should have arrived for half ten in the morning, but there was a build up on the road and then it started snowing so no one could move anywhere because it was too heavy and you couldn’t see and someone broke down and UGH! At least I had my Disney movies. We got out of the taxi, grabbed our bags and walked towards the hotel lobby. I opened the door and walked in, only to crash into a person. Great, been here five minutes and already knocked someone to the floor. “Oops, I’m so sorry!” I got to my feet at the same time as the person

Trapped ~ Danisnotonfire, Marcus ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now