2 - I, The Party Animal

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Indie’s POV

Aurora and I were getting ready for the welcome party that evening and I was shaking so much that I got mascara in my eyebrow, which then turned black. “Shit!”

“What?” Aurora asked, sticking her head out of the bathroom. When I turned my head to her she snorted and tried to hold in her laughter, however when I raised my eyebrows it all came flooding out. “OH MY GOD INDIE HAHAHA YOU LOOK SO SCARY!”

“Oh thanks” I replied, turning back to the travel mirror that was resting on my bed and trying to get rid of the mascara.

“Are you ready?” Aurora asked me as she exited the bathroom. She was wearing dark shorts with a lilac blouse that fit on her perfect figure incredibly well. God, I feel so unfit. But, food! “Sure, let’s go!” I said, standing up and brushing down my purple skater dress.


We reached the doors to the party and looked at each other, took a breath, then opened the door. When we opened it, a wave of music slammed into us. Lights were flashing and the crowded room was really hot. “I CAN’T HEAR MYSELF THINK!” Aurora shouted as we walked through the crowd towards the food and drink. “ME NEITHER!” I replied. Once we reached the refreshments I picked up a can of Strongbow and opened it, took a sip and felt the alcohol buzz down my throat as the fizzy bubbles popped. Aurora picked up a can of orange and passion fruit J20 and opened it, before taking a sip. I then saw the bowl of minstrels down on the food table and, well, let’s just say it was half empty after I was finished.


“THIS PARTAY IS AMAZYIN!” I slurred to Aurora, who was standing with me. I was a bit drunk, well, A LOT drunk, however Aurora had stuck to J20 and Non-alcoholic cocktails, so she was sober. When the next song started I ran to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance along. Macarena. Loads of people joined in with me and it was amazing as I was surrounded by famous YouTubers doing the Macarena. Once it had finished I stumbled to the refreshments table and got myself another Strongbow. What? I took a sip and turned around to look for Aurora, who I couldn’t see. I walked around all of the room until I thought that she might have gone outside for some air, as it was hot. I got outside, stumbled forward and tripped, however someone caught me and stopped me from falling. My Strongbow tilt forward in my hand and the liquid poured over my feet. “Shit” I mumbled as I righted myself. I looked at the person who caught me, and was meant to say thanks, however I just stared, wide mouthed. “WOAH! You k?” The person asked, however I was frozen. MOVE!

“Yeah, Danny, I’m FINEEEE!” I sung. Pull yourself together! Dan smiled at me and chuckled a little. Dan Howell. Dan. DANNY! DANISNOTONFIRE! AHHHHH! OVERLOAD! HE IS SO CUTE! I was fangirling inside until I realised that I was just staring at Dan. “Oh sorrieee! I was just finkin’!”

“It’s fineeee!” Dan slurred back. Both drunk. This won’t end well.

“Hang on a secie! You’re INDIE!!!”

“NO SHITAS!” I replied

Trapped ~ Danisnotonfire, Marcus ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now