∆ 7 ∆

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"(Y/N) are sure about this? It's getting late, I should take you back to the shack" Bill asked you worriedly as he restlessly stroll behind you

"Bill come on I'm just gonna show you something and then we'll head home"

"I'm saying that they're gonna be worried about you. Can we do this tomorrow? Where are you taking me anyway?"

"(Y/N)? Bill?" Dipper appeared and he walk towards us "What are you guys doing here?"

"Dipper hey! (Y/N) is gonna take me somewhere to show me something" Bill smiled at him

Dipper looks at you and he narrows his eyes "You're not gonna show that to him"

"Why not?-"

"What is that?" Bill asked as he pointed to a direction

You look at where he was looking..

And there it was, the statue of Bill Cipher

"Oh no.." you whispered

Bill start to gradually move toward it, at that point you snatch his arm, making him stop "Bill, don't go there"

"Why? that's the statue that I've dreamt about" then he took out his sketchbook and he shows the drawing "See? that's it!"

"Maybe taking him here in the forest is a bad idea.." You whispered to yourself, then you take a deep breath and you look at him "Bill, that's a lost carved stone that Mr. Pines owned, maybe your dream is just a coincidence. You know Mr. Pines, he generally have some odd stuffs" you chuckle nervously

"No (Y/N) that statue, my tattoo, my dreams! I know they meant something!" He said, raising his voice a bit

You look at Dipper, he looks back at you worriedly, then you look back at Bill

"Bill.." Dipper sighed "Can we discuss this tomorrow? It's getting late, we should head home"

He looks down, he takes a deep breath and he nods "Alright.."

The three of you walk back to the shack, silence fulfill the surroundings, all you can hear is the cold breeze. You look at Dipper and you can see the hint of annoyance in his expression, on the other hand Bill is staring on the ground as the three of you walk back to the shack.

The three of you arrived at the shack, Dipper went inside and he slams the door close, then you turned to Bill "I'll see you later okay?"

"Is Dipper okay?" He asked softly as he stared at the door

You gave him a reassuring smile "He's okay Bill, don't worry about him"

"Did I make him upset or something?"

You place a hand on his shoulder "Bill I told you, you've nothing to worry about okay?" You smiled at him

He looks up to you and he gave you a small smile "Okay.. I'll see you later (Y/N)" he nods at you and he walks away

You stared at him as he disappeared at the distance, then you take a deep breath and you head inside the shack

You closed the door, then you turned around and you see Dipper with his arms crossed and his eyes are narrowed at you

"We need to talk"

Bill's POV

As I saw (Y/N) head inside the shack, I turn around and head back to the forest, I carefully sneak pass the shack, ensuring that they didn't see me, then I hurried my way back to the statue

I'm feeling that they're concealing something from me, from that statue, as I saw that, it feels like..

It feels like that statue and I are connected

As I saw the statue from the distance, I stared at it for a moment. Is this right? (Y/N) specifically stopped me from going there

I shook my thoughts off and I slowly make my way towards there, I stare at it as I kneeled down infront

"What are you?" I thought, I felt my hands slowly reach up for the extended hand of the statue

As my fingertips reaches its hands, I felt my back gets warm

No, my tattoo felt warm

I quickly pull my hand away, I exhaled
"I know this is dumb, speaking to a statue and all. But.. You keep appearing in my dream, this dreams I keep having, it seems like it's all connected, I think it's all connected to you. Tell me.. who are you? Are you some sort of a god? A guardian? A spirit? Please! Just tell me.. I've been confused my whole life! the people are scared of me, they think that I'm a demon.." I sighed "If you can hear me or something, please give me some signs or feeling.."

I stayed silent for a minute, waiting for something to happen, I shut my eyes and I chuckle

What the hell am I doing? Talking to a statue? I'm going insane

I stood up and I fix myself, I look back at the statue and I walk away


Third Person POV

"We need to talk" He said sternly and he head to the living room

You jump as he slams his hands on the table "What were you thinking?! Bringing him to the statue? Are you out of your mind?" He said irritatedly "You know that place is off limits right?"

"Dipper.. listen, I-I didn't mean to-"

He scoffs "You didn't mean to? Tell me why did you bring him there?"

"Just listen to me okay!" You shouted and you sighed "I don't know why I brought him there, there's a feeling inside that makes me do it. Look at him! He looks confused and lost—"

"Guys? What's going on?" Mabel entered the shack, she looks at the two of you worriedly

"Why don't you ask her?" Dipper pointed at you

Mabel looks at you "(Y/N)? What happened?"

You glared at Dipper, you clenched your fist, but you exhaled "Getting mad won't solve anything" you thought

You turn around and you made your way to the attic, you sit on your bed and you lay down on your bed, covering your whole body with your blanket

After a few minutes, you hear the twins enter the room and they went to their respective beds, you saw the light turned off. You slowly peek out of your blanket and you see Dipper facing his back at you, while Mabel immediately fell asleep. You gradually got up and you went to the rooftop, you plunk down and you grin as you recollect all of the happy things that you and others did there.

You recline against the slanting rooftop and you gaze up at the sky, it causes you to unwind after the contention that you had with Dipper

Then you felt your eyelids getting heavy and you fell asleep

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻 [ 𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗖𝗶𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 ]Where stories live. Discover now