∆ 13 ∆

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You made your way back to the shack, your thoughts were flooded about what happened just now. You fiddled with your fingers, your hands shaking a bit.

Before you enter the shack, someone grabbed you by the arm and drag you away from the door then took you to the side of the shack

"Wendy?" you asked

She holds your shoulders then she start to examine you "Does it hurt anywhere? are you bleeding? do you feel sick?—"

"W-What are you talking about?"

She rolls her eyes "I'm not dumb (Y/N), I saw everything, I hear everything, what Bill did to you? Are you okay? did he hurt you? I knew it! he's a bad news! he is him! he's alive! that stupid triangle demon! I should've barged inside his home and smack his face with an axe—"

"Wendy calm down, you saw everything? First of all what are you doing back there?"

She scratch tbe back of her neck "They may or may not told me to keep an eye on you while you visit Bill alone on his house.."

"What!? Wendy that's just.." then you gave her a look, you rolled your eyes and sighed "What's the reward this time?"

"There's no reward (Y/N), I did this for you too, I'm worried for you, this Bill guy is the demon I tell you, this is serious"

"Wendy you're being like Dipper right now"

She scoffs "I am not being Dipper, I am being cautious and I'm speaking the truth (Y/N), you need to stay away from him from now on, we need to tell the twins"

"No! Don't tell them—"

"Why not!? What if he's just hiding his powers and he's just finding a good time to strike? Remember six years ago? he almost destroyed Gravity Falls? I won't let that happen again, not on my watch" then she place her hands on her hips "I need to ask you something, why you keep defending him (Y/N)?"

"Because he is not that demon!"

"He is! Jeez (Y/N)! stop being oblivious!—"

"Woah what's with the shouting guys?" Mabel chuckles as they walk over to the both of you, then she sees the expression of the both of you "Oh.. what happened?"

"What's happening?" Dipper stood beside Mabel

You glared at Dipper "Dipper why did you sent Wendy to spy on me and Bill? Don't you trust me?"

His eyes widen "H-How did you know—"

"I told her" Wendy cuts him off

Dipper approaches you "What happened (Y/N) did Bill hurt you? I swear I'm gonna—"

"He didn't hurt me okay? He didn't do anything, we just had a talk" You told him, you look at Wendy and she gave you a look. You look back at Dipper "Look Dipper, I know you don't trust Bill but, can't you trust me?"

"It's not that (Y/N)—"

"Then what is it"

"I'm just afraid that you'll get hurt, you have no idea what he's thinking or what he's planning"

You roll your eyes "Oh here we go again.."

"We just want you to be safe (Y/N), I'm sorry it won't happen again" said Dipper

You scoff "Fine, so where did you two go?"

"Oh Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan are gonna be back today, we just had a few stuff to grab and we'll be on our way to pick them up, wanna come with us?" Mabel asked

You shook your head lightly "I'll stay here at the shack, I'm gonna lay down for a while"

"You sure? You okay?" Dipper asked

You nod "Yeah I'm fine, you guys go on ahead"

"Okay, we'll see you later (Y/N)" Mabel give you a hug

You rub her back "I'll see you guys later"

Mabel pulls away and they head out, you turn to Wendy "I'll go take some rest, see you later"

Wendy holds your arm "Alright, just call me if you need anything okay?"

You nod and you gave her a smile "Okay"

You head inside the shack and you head to the attic, you put your stuff down at the side of your bed and you flop down to your bed, you lay down on your back and you stared at the roof, thought running through your mind, and then you fell asleep


You see a dark alleyway, you lean in, trying to distinguish if the path leads to somewhere, you walked and walk, but the alleyway seems to not end


You quickly turn around, you breath quickens, trying to find the voice that's calling you


"Who's there!" You shouted, hoping for the voice to show itself

"Help me (Y/N).."

You turn back around, then you see someone kneeled down, his face faces on the floor, sobs can be heard from him, you slowly approach the figure

"He won't go away (Y/N).. help me.."

As you approach him, you immediately recognize who it is "Bill?"

You slowly reach your arm on his shoulders, as you touch him his sobs stops, his head slowly tilts up, then you met his eyes, you saw his eyes is different

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He start to laugh hysterically

You quickly back away "Bill.."

He stood up, his eyes start to glow, his feet left the floor and he floats, yellow energy start to surround him

"Let's have some fun shall we?"

You quickly jolt up from your bed, panting. You look around to see that you're at the attic, you took a deep breath

"You okay?" Wendy spoke from the door, she's leaning against the door frame

You sat at the edge of your bed and you rub your eyes "Yeah I'm fine, just had a dream"

She chuckles "You had a dream about Bill don't you?"

You look at her "How did you know?"

"You talk while you sleep (Y/N)"

You sigh, then you reach out for your stuff "I'm going to him"

Wendy crosses her arms and she gave you a look "What? you're joking right?"

"No" then you let out a breath "Look Wendy, when I was speaking to him before, I can tell it's not him, he's not being himself, it's not the Bill that I met in the forest. And I had this weird dream, it tells me that he needs help"

"What if he's just tricking you all of this time? What if he's just pretending to be your friend just to get advantage of you"

"I still need to go to him to see what's going on"

She sit next to you "You're not going alone, what if he did something to you? I don't want you to get hurt!"

"I'll be fine okay?" then you hung your bag on your shoulder "He's still my friend, I'll be quick"

She sighs "Fine, if you're not back soon I'm gonna barge into his house"

You hug her "There's no need for that okay?"

She rubs your back "Just be careful"

You pull away and you nod at her "I will"

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻 [ 𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗖𝗶𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 ]Where stories live. Discover now