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"Hello Grunkle Ford!" Mabel greets her Great-Uncle with a wave of her hand

Wendy walks up to Ford up "Hey Mr. Pines Two! where's the booze?" she asks

He gestured at the kitchen "Inside the fridge, don't let them drink and don't drink too much" he warned her

She points at him "Don't worry old timer, you can count on me" she went to the kitchen to get her drink

"Grunkle Ford! We're using the Floor Room for our party okay?" said Mabel

Ford chuckles "Alright alright, just don't get too whacky"

"Grunkle Ford, party is when we're suppose to be whacky! Come on (Y/N) let's prepare the snacks!" Mabel grabs your arm then she hauls you to the floor room

Ford spots Bill with Dipper by the doorway "And who you might be?" He asked

Dipper pats Bill's shoulder "Oh Grunkle Ford, this is Bill"

He narrows his eyes "Bill?"

Bill nods slightly "Yes sir"

Ford walks up to him "You're that friend that the kids talks about" then he hold out his hand for Bill to shake "I'm Stanford, nice to meet you kid"

Bill hold his hand and he felt a light grip from Ford, they shake hands "Nice to meet you too" he said, a smile plastered on his face, disregarding the grip that he felt

"OKAY! I got the drinks here!" Wendy said showing the drinks on both of her hands, then she gestures at Bill "Hey Bill give me a hand would'ya?"

"Oh yeah sure" Bill walks up to Wendy then he grabs the drinks from one of her hands

Wendy looks at Dipper who's at the table with Ford "Come on Dipper, we don't have all day bud"

He nods a bit "Yeah I'll go catch up to you guys, I'll be there in a second"

Wendy shrugs "Alright, hurry up okay?" then her and Bill walk to the floor room

Ford looks at Dipper who's looking at his book "Kid, are you certain that's him? On the off chance that he is, how is he alive? let alone, a human?"

He nods "Yeah, that's him Grunkle Ford"

Ford stares at the scattered paper on the table, then he sighs and he nods "Alright, go on kid, go have fun with your friends"

"But Grunkle Ford how about-"

Ford place a hand on his shoulder "Go, I have to do something first. In the meantime, go have fun with your friends and sister"

Dipper was about to say something, but he just sighs and nods "Alright"

Ford picks up his stuffs at the table and he made his way to his underground laboratory, while Dipper made his way to the floor room where everyone is. Wendy is setting up the table and foods in the middle of the floor room, while you and Mabel decorate the whole room

"Hey (Y/N)!" She giggles, then she pretends to be sick, she clutches her stomach "I think I'm gonna be sick.. BBBLLLAAAA!" She take out the silly string from her back and she sprays it at you

"Oh no! Mabel! Now I feel sick too! BBBLLLAAAA!" You take out a silly string as well and you spray it on her

You and Mabel laugh hysterically, Dipper snatch the silly string from the decoration box then he walks up to them "Guys guys! I think I ate something bad this morning.. BBBLLLAAAA!"He sprays the silly string to the both of you and Mabel

"No fair! Get him!" You and Mabel charge at Dipper and chase him with the silly string

"Hey no fair!" Dipper shouts as he ran across the room, the two of you tailing behind

"You're the unfair one! CATCH HIM!" Mabel shouts

Dipper looks over at his shoulder, unbeknownst to him, he slams onto a wall and he fell on the ground, groaning in pain

You and Mabel went over to him "Dipper! Are you okay?"

He wasn't moving, eyes are closed. Then Dipper takes out the silly string and sprays it to the both of you "BBBLLLAAA!" he laughs "Gotcha!"

Mabel laughs "We're such dorks"

You nod in agreement "Yeah, but Dipper is the dorkiest out of all of us"

"No I'm not! Mabel is!"

"Nuh uh! You are Dipper!"

"Fine, (Y/N) is the dorkiest"

"What!? I am not!"

You glance around also and Bill is mysteriously absent "Where's Bill?"

"Bill told me that he's gonna go outside for a minute" Wendy walks up to the three of you as she just finishes arranging the room "And you know what he says?"

They wait for her response, then she sprays silly strings to the three of them "BBBLLLAAAA!"

"SILLY STRING WAR!" Mabel yells then the four of you take cover behind the chairs and start spraying silly strings at each other

"I hope we're not interrupting the fun" A voice can be heard from the doorway, they look at that direction and they saw Pacifica

"Pacifica!" You and Mabel chime then both of you ran over to her to gave her a hug

"Hey guys!" She chuckles "Am I late?"

"No! You're just in time, we're just messing around with silly strings" You chuckle as you explain

Mabel spots someone behind her, her eyes widen as he recognizes who it is "GIDEON!" She said in dismay

Gideon step aside, revealing himself "Hey y'all" He smiles at them then he looks at Mabel "Hey Mabel" He grins at him

"Umm hi?" She said, not knowing what to say

You walk up to Gideon and you wrap an arm around his shoulder "Gideon! It's been a while! How are you?" You look behind him "Any of your henchmen around?"

"Hey there (Y/N), been a while hasn't it?" He chuckles "Don't worry they ain't here this time, I think.."

Pacifica looks at Dipper "Dipper Pines" she greets him, giving him a smile

"Pacifica Northwest" He greets back "You have something on your face" He points at her face

She inspects her face "Where?"

Then Dipper sprays her the silly string "BBBLLLAAAA!"

She scoffs "Oh you're on Dipper Pines" She grabs a silly string and she ran after Dipper

Mabel lean towards you as she watches them chase one another, she whispers to your ear "I ship them.."

"What's a ship?" Gideon suddenly asks

"Oh! that's umm.. when you desire two person to be in a relationship" You try explain to him

He nods slowly "Ooh! Okay okay.. I see.. then I ship me and Mabel" He grins

"Gideon! I thought we're done with this kind of stuff" said Mabel rolling her eyes

"I'm just joking Mabel.. not" He mumbles the end, chuckling

"Alright Pacifica that's enough! I think I swallowed a silly string" He coughs

Pacifica laughs "That's what you get for messing with me" She removes the remaining silly string that's covering her hair "Oh by the way guys. Gideon and I saw a guy outside of your shack, he seems stressed" Pacifica told the four of you as he helps herself with a fruit punch on the table

"Yeah, he's sittin' alone on the back porch of yours" said Gideon as he grabs a slice of pizza

"Bill.." You mumble "I'll be right back guys" Then you head out of the floor room and you ran to the back porch

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