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It's the next morning, you woke up, you look at both of your sides and you see that the twins are already out of their bed, you stood up and you do your morning routine

You made your way downstairs and you notice that the twins aren't around "Dipper? Mabel?" you tried to call for them, you went to the kitchen and you see a freshly-cooked pancakes and waffles at the table, you see a pink sticky note at the side, you grab it and it reads:

Dear (Y/N),

Dipper and I are gonna head somewhere, don't worry we're not mystery hunting. We'll be quick, we made you breakfast before we leave


"Where could they be?" You asked yourself but you shook your thoughts off, you sat down and you ate your breakfast

Before you left the shack, you grab a sticky note and you wrote back to them

Dear Dipper and Mabel,

I'll be on my way to Bill's home to check up to him, I'll be back soon. And Mabel, thanks for the pancakes, they're delicious ^_^


You stick the sticky note on the fridge, then you grab your stuff and you made your way to Bill's home


You've arrive at his home, you walk up to his door and you knock on his door, waiting for him to answer it

You heard something fell on the ground, you knocked again "Bill? Is that you? Are you okay?"

After a few seconds, he opens the door, you look up to him and you see sluggishness and dark circles under his eyes, and he's folded over with a cover

"I-I uhh.. Are you okay?" You asked slowly "You look cozy" you chuckle a bit

He nods as he rub his eyes "Yeah I'm fine, just didn't get enough sleep.." he exhales, then he opens the door wider "Come in.."

You step into his home and you followed him to the living room, you saw a bunch of books and papers, his laptop and phone scattered around the coffee table

"Sorry if it's messy.. I didn't have time to clean up.. I just woke up actually.." he yawns "I'll go ahead and make us a coffee, please wait here" he said tiredly then he went to his kitchen

You sat on the sofa and you look at the papers, you grab one and you read it

Your eyes widen "He's reading about demons?"

You grab another one and you see that he's reading all sorts of stuff about demons; origins, types, etc., then you glance upon a particular page

"A portal?" you asked yourself

then you heard him coming back to the living room, you quickly return the pages to where they were before then you quickly grab your phone and you pretend to use it

"Here" he hands you a cup of hot coffee

You take it and you smile to him "Thanks Bill" then you take a short sip "So what are the pages about?" you asked casually

"Well umm.. they're about—" he examines your expression, he give you a deadpanned look "You read it didn't you?"

You look at him for a moment, then you broke your eye contact "I-I uhh.."

"How much did you read?"

You stayed silent, the  you heard him chuckle "I know you read them, I know you're curious" he exhales, putting down his coffee on the coffee table "The stuff that you told me, my dreams, that statue, the tattoo, that demon, the voice that I keep hearing, I just want answers you know?"

"I already told you didn't I—"

"I know you did" he nods, then he folded his hands then he leans on his knees "You know.. ever since we've met, I start to getting answers about my existence. It's like you're the answer to all of my questions (Y/N).." Then he leans forward "Let me ask you a question (Y/N).. If I really am that demon "Bill Cipher", would you still be friends with me?" He asked, his tone is not his usual one, his tone is menacing

"What are you talking about Bill? I told you you're not that demon—"

"I'm asking IF I AM really that demon, what would you do?" He asked, looking at your eyes profoundly


He quickly stood up and he pushed you down on the sofa, he hovers above you "That's all you can say? My name?" You can see a smirk on his lips

You can tell he's not being himself, his own presence isn't the usual one, you look up to him worriedly "Bill are you okay? are you still ill?"

"How would the world like if we rule the world together? Imagine that.. a world of our own.."

"Bill stop saying that you're not being yourself"

"A world where we can both be happy.. sounds fun isn't it?"

"Bill stop"

"Have I told you that you're the first human that I fell inlove with?" he laughs "Who would've thought someone like me would fall in love with a human!"

Your eyes broaden as you heard the picked words that he stated, you pushed him away "Bill that's enough! you're uttering nonsense! you're not being yourself!"

He chuckles "Oh come on (Y/N), I know you like me too. You even went here just to check up on me if I'm okay. And I know you're trying to protect me from the Pines Family.. especially to Sixer" he laughs "How sweet of you (Y/N), that's why I love you.."

Your heart begin to race, words won't structure on your mouth, you're simply solidified on your spot, not realizing what to do

He examines your stance, he chuckles "What now? are you scared (Y/N)? I thought there's something between us?"

"Bill.. I know you're just ill, you're not yourself, you need to rest" then you stood up and you start to grab your stuff "Now if you excuse me I'll—"

He grabs your arm and he whip you towards him, his face is few inches away from you "Aww come on (Y/N) leaving so soon? you're not going anywhere.."

"Please let go" You tried to yank your arm off of him but his grip is too strong

"I-I'm gonna—" His words starts to get soft, his eyes getting drowsy "I'm gonna.. take over.." then he passes out, you catched him, he rests on your shoulder

You carefully lay him on the couch you put the blanket on top of him, you look at him for a moment, you thought about all stuff that he said before, you start to question yourself

"Is he really back?"

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻 [ 𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗖𝗶𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 ]Where stories live. Discover now