Martha and George(snakes)

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Interview #13

Me: I am interviewing snakes, this is normal!

Martha- You should be honored, we work among the great and powerful Hermes!

George: Those words don't go together!

Martha- Hermes said he'd pay me twenty bucks if I told the interview girl that!

George- I was there, we live on the same staff!

Me: Ok enough chatting!

George: O though that was what we came here to do, chatting! Good cause I'd rather eat a rat! You have any rats?

Martha: Enough with the rats!! They are good! Do you happen to have any?

Me: no. Maybe when we are done I'll give you one, but you better corporate!

George: YAY!

Martha: Really?

Me: I wouldn't get your hopes up....

Martha: Rats.....(pun)

Me: So, what's it like to work among Hermes?

George: Boring, but he give us rats in payment!

Martha: It's fine....

Me: Do you like his kids Travis and Connor? Or do you prefer others?

Martha: Those two? I prefer some of his other kids!

George: Travis looks like a rat.

Me: He said you thought that!😆

George: He IS a rat! Have you seen him eat?

Me: No, and if he eats like a rat I'd rather not see him eat

Martha: I prefer that girl child of Demeter, Katie.

Me: Speaking of her, I am interviewing her next!

George: She and Travis will make nice rat babies!

Me: :o

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