Chapter One: Unexpected Meeting

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I sighed to myself and turned my attention towards the sky. Still black like every other day in this forsaken place. Then again, with all the hope gone from this world, it was bound to stay this way. It was as if this world reflected the hearts of everyone who lived there. A chaotic, darkened, hopeless prison of agony, anger, and betrayal.

I guess that's what we deserve, after all. We turned on each other when the going got tough, and now the best we can do is tolerate each other under the rule of a dictator who stole a throne that was never meant to be his thanks to some mystery knight that vanished without a trace.

I was forced out into hiding because of that tyrant. The courts of clubs, hearts, and diamonds are all on the run to avoid being imprisoned like our kings. The soldiers no longer held any loyalty except to the King of Spades, the best the rest of the courts could do is wait for the moment for us to return to our rightful places in the castle, which would hopefully be soon.

I chuckled under my breath. Who am I kidding, even if the king lost his place, his son would surely take over, and we would still be forced to stay hidden in fear of our very lives. There was no chance for us to get out of the dark hole of prison that we are forced to hide in.

I kicked a pebble near my feet and sighed to myself, gently touching my pendant clasped around my throat. It was an emerald choker with a silver band around the jewel, one of the few reminders that I had of a time that was happier, a time full of hope and innocent, youthful joy.

Despite everything that has happened over the past fifteen years, this necklace, a stupid trinket that most would have pawned for money by now, was the sole reason I kept myself going, that I even bothered to continue marching on in this horrid world instead of just turning myself in to the king.

Pathetic? Yes.

Pitiful? Who knows.

My ears perked up from their usual place behind my head as I heard footsteps. They weren't of any of the guards that I was aware of, but that didn't matter right now. I wasn't ready to be locked away from the rest of my life, I can't afford to take any chances.

I quickly moved out of sight, hiding out of sight behind a bush. I lifted one of my ears up higher so I could listen to what the people walking were saying.

"I swear to everything KRIS COULD YOU BE ANY SLOWER?!" I regretted that immediately with the shout, lowering my ear and rubbing it as it started to ring. Loud much?

"...did you seriously just slow down to spite me?"

"Well, we have been walking for a while Susie. Maybe they're tired?" Another voice, this one gentler and kinder than the first.

I carefully peaked around the corner and saw three figures approaching down the path.

There was a taller purple dinosaur with a barbaric sort of look, her bangs covering her eyes making it impossible to tell what she's thinking.

Standing next to her was a smaller, fluffy boy who wore a large, sea-foam green hat and matching robe with a black heart on it, large green glasses shining brightly against his heavily shadowed face.

The last one that was in front of the two was a blueish person wearing armor that shone brightly despite the lack of lighting, a blue and pink cape wrapped half haphazardly around their right shoulder, their hair casting a shadow that made it impossible to see their entire face.

"Maybe we should take a break and rest? Kris shouldn't be pushing themselves too much, and we'll slow ourselves down in the long run." The softer voice was from the mage-like one. Even from here I could see the kindness and care shining in his eyes. The blue one nodded in agreement, causing the purple one to groan.

"Fine fine, a quick break then we're back on the road." So she was the one that murdered my ears. Nice.

The three sat down against the hedge that I was hiding behind, resulting in a loud groan in my head. Fucking fantastic. Might as well get out now, they're gonna see me anyways once they get moving.

I stepped out from behind the shrub and immediately the blue one looked up at me, tilting their head curiously.

"Oh! Hello!" The green one smiled warmly at me, waving a small hand in my direction. I didn't say anything and just continued walking past them. I felt something snag the fabric of my dress and turned my head to see the blue one had grabbed me.

"Excuse you, I need to leave." The blue one didn't move for a moment, just staring at me. They let go of my dress and quickly stood up, meeting my gaze.

"Kris what the fuck are you doing?" The purple one asked, a slight growl of irritation in her voice. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest.

"Look, I'm not in the mood to fight, if that's what you're aiming at."

"I'm sure that's not it at all!" The mage jumped at the mention of fighting, his eyes filling with worry.

"You never know Ralsei, Kris is a wildcard." The purple one huffed, rolling her eyes. There was an awkward moment of silence before the blue one, Kris as I had gathered, pointed at my necklace. I covered the gem with my hand by reflex, narrowing my eyes at them. They lowered their hand and remained silent.

"Okay as creepy as this was, I need to go." I spin on my heel and was about to leave before I heard someone speak up.

*Ask For Directions To The Castle

Stay Silent

"Do you know the way to the castle?" I jumped, spinning back to the group. Both Ralsei, the mage I was guessing, and the barbaric girl had shocked looks on their faces, and Kris was facing towards me.

"Maybe I do maybe I don't, what makes you think I do?"

"You have a heart in your gem. I assumed you lived there." My grip on my necklace tightened, before I sighed.

"You're those "heroes" I've been hearing about all damn day aren't you?" No words this time, just a simple nod. I huffed and lowered my hand, planting a hand on my hip.

"Look, you realize your mission is a death wish right? Once you step foot in that castle the king'll slaughter you."

"I'm sure we can talk to him!" A small laugh escaped at the naivety of Ralsei. Clearly he doesn't know what the king has done, or is capable of.

"Look, I don't care what you do. The king'll kill you no matter what you choose." Kris remained silent once more, before pointing at my necklace again, then the path behind them. I was the one who remained silent this time. For a kid of little words, they made a compelling argument...

"Fine. I'll get you there. Just don't expect me to be anything other than a guide, the minute trouble starts up I'm not affiliated with any of you." Kris nodded and sat back down to resume their break, Ralsei smiling brightly at me.

"Yay! Glad to have you on the team miss! Cue the fanfare-"

"Yeah no gonna stop you there. I hate music."

"Oh... my bad."

"Yeah yeah whatever." The purple girl snickered and smiled smally.

"Well, introductions are in order! I'm Ralsei, this is Kris, and this is Susie!" Ralsei gestured at the two respectively as he introduced them, Kris giving me a nod while Susie turned away.

"(Y/N). My name is (Y/N)."


Picture above by me

Ngl this is a lot of fun to write and this chapter turned out A LOT longer than I thought it would but it was fun!

And yes I know context is a thing but I want to set up the scene properly before the romance y'all are here for ^^

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