Chapter Twelve: Long Time Pain

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"You're sure there's not another way?"

"For the hundred fucking time, NO THERE IS NOT!" Okay this was getting annoying. Ever since I've mentioned Seam, Jevil has been trying to figure out  a way for me to change my mind and to not see him. He's acting just like a fucking petulant child and it was annoying to say the absolute, stingy, VERY least.

I huffed and grabbed him by the arm, purposefully picking up the pace to where he was lagging behind. We were already drawing too much attention to ourselves because of Jevil's out of date attire and my obviously bandaged injuries, and I didn't want our bickering making anyone else raise a brow at us.

"What the fuck is your problem with Seam anyway? You two were best friends!" I mean, they were. The two were basically two halves of a whole person. Seam was the common sense and ground that kept the two out of trouble, while Jevil was the more fun loving side that wasn't afraid to do something a little risky just to get it. They were polar opposites, but they got along scarily well. Like, it was some sort of miracle the two hadn't tried to kill each other.

Jevil lowered his head to the ground at my question, his tail drooping as well. I let out a groan of annoyance and stopped walking, turning around to face him.

"Well?" Another moment of silence. Jevil pulled his hand back to him since my grip loosened and started to absentmindedly fiddle with his gloves. Something he would do when he was nervous, hiding something, or both. I planted a hand on my hip, the other brushing some of my hair out of my face.

"We... didn't end our friendship on the nicest of terms." My ears perked up at that. It seems like a silly thing to be shocked over, but the two might as well have been brothers because of how close they were.

"When my descent to madness was final... I... I cannot recollect how or what made my disheveled mind consider such a horrific act, but when I somewhat came to... Seam's eye had been torn beyond recognition." My breath caught in my throat. The new button he had as an eye... the sewing on his mouth... they made so much more sense now.

"That was the time my maddened ramblings were decided as dangerous and traitorous. The royal jester turning on his best friend and injuring him immensely... who knows when he would turn on the rest of the court? Seam managed to lock me up for it, I don't remember how he did it, but he managed. My sane mind returned somewhat when the bars separated us, but my insanity still controlled my speech. He broke the key into three pieces in front of me... that's when my insanity finally controlled me completely." Any air in my lungs was gone with the story he had told. That's why Seam kept him away... he was getting dangerous and Seam didn't want a child to get hurt...

I sighed and pulled Jevil into a hug, forcing myself to stay calm as I did so. His body was rigid under my touch, almost as if the Jester had turned into a statue in a fraction of a second.

"I'm so sorry Jevil." Words I never thought I would say escaped me, and it was if a spell was broken. The jester wrapped his arms tightly around me, an involuntary shudder to shake through my body. We remained in the other's embrace before I finally pulled away, flicking one of his bells and making it's little chime heard.

"Seam's not the type to hold a grudge, you know this. And from what he told me, he seemed to miss you." Jevil perked up at that, lifting his head up. I smiled knowing I got his attention, taking his hand and once again leading the way back to Seam's shop.

"You'll never know if you don't try to rebuild that bridge and apologize."

"I tried that with you and now look at where we are." My face turned pink as I heard the purposeful teasing tone in his voice.

"Shut up! I'm only helping you so I don't risk getting killed again." I picked up my pace and let go of his hand, folding my arms across my chest. I heard him laugh behind me and a growl clawed at my throat.

We continued to Seam's shop in silence, and it wasn't long before we were finally outside of the torn entrance. Was it me, or did this place seem smaller than I remember?

"Wait here. I'll call you in." Jevil nodded at my instructions, and I made my way inside the shop.

Seam wasn't facing me at the moment, so I took my original spot in front of the counter before I said a word.

"Hey there." Seam's ears perked up once he heard my voice, turning around to face me. His gentle smile returned and he took his usual spot across the counter.

"Nice to see you again. It's been a while, I almost thought you weren't coming back." I rolled my eyes at his tease before pulling out my purse, which the guards let me keep for some reason.

"I almost didn't. Two dark candies please I'm gonna need them." I set the money on the counter and took the candy that Seam handed to me. I ate one right then and there and felt my muscles relaxed as my HP increased beyond critical.

"I fought Jevil by the way." Seam perked up at that, his eye widening in surprise.

"You beat him?" Before he could continue, I held up a hand to stop him.

"Not... exactly." That puzzled the rag doll cat, and I took a deep breath before I started talking again.

"I... didn't exactly beat him. It was more... a draw. In fact." I smiled and turned around, making sure that Jevil would be able to hear me.

"How about you ask him how it went yourself."

Silence filled the shop as Jevil stepped in, the air becoming much thicker and harder to breathe in.


Yes I'm ending it there fight me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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