Chapter Two: A Darkner's Boiling Rage

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Picture above by me as usual! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I am really enjoying this story so much ^^


I want to kill. Everyone.

These kids were going to drive me insane. Susie makes things so much fucking harder than they need to be, Ralsei acts like a literal child despite looking about 16, and Kris.






Like- excuse me ya little tyrant, I ALREADY SAID I WASN'T HELPING!

Not to mention the king's son, Lancer, popping up every once in a while doesn't fucking help. He's annoying the hell outta me and the fact we now have to chase after Susie to get her back on our side thanks to her deciding to be an edge-lord and become a bad guy because she couldn't keep her fucking ax to herself.

I swear to the dark sky above if one more thing goes wrong I will murder everyone within twenty feet of me.

"Miss? Are you alright? Your gonna rip your dress." I was ripped out of my thoughts by Ralsei's soft voice, lowering my eyes to see that he was right, my tightly balled up hands nearly ripping the fabric of my dress. I unballed my hands and took a deep breath to steady myself.

"Nope. Mega pissed with Susie." Ralsei's eyes softened and lowered his head.

"Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on her..."

"Don't. You weren't being harsh, she's just being a whiny brat that refuses to change her ways." I groaned again and rubbed my temples, taking another deep breath to steady myself.

"Alright alright alright alright alright, let's get the brat and get back on the road. This way leads to the castle anyway, so hopefully we can get her to snap out of this before we actually get there."

A few minutes later, and I'm already ready to murder again. Susie and Lancer are acting like literal fucking children! The stupid intro, getting lost in a maze, "tricking" us into making a machine for them, just, UGH!

I took a deep breath and stopped in my tracks, raking my hands through my hair. Kris and Ralsei stopped in their tracks and turned to me, concern written on Ralsei's face, while Kris's remained hidden.

"(Y/N), are you okay? Do you want to talk?"

"NO." Ralsei flinched at my stern tone of voice, pulling his hat down a bit more on his head. I sighed and shook my head. What in the hell did I get myself into? Kris walked over to me and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"What?" Kris was quiet before brushing some of my hair out of my face, a small, almost invisible smile on their face. They nodded at me, pointing at my necklace once again before turning away and heading back down the path.

What... in the actual fuck is up with that kid? I sighed and shook my head, having calmed down and rejoined the two.

Only to see a familiar silhouette in front of us. Shockingly familiar.

"W... Wait! Isn't that the machine we designed...!?"

It certainly looked similar to the blueprints that we helped make. I sighed to myself and folded my arms, ready to watch these kids almost get themselves killed.

"Alright! This will be tough, but let's try our best!"

Once the machine came into full view, I felt torn between wanting to scream and fall over laughing. It was the most rushed piece of garbage that I have ever laid my eyes on.

"Oh. That's... not good actually."

"Yeah no shit what gave it away?" Kris seemed to crack a smile at my comment, turning their attention to the now approaching Susie and Lancer. I tuned them out like I had started doing recently, only to be jerked right out of my thoughts by the machine self destructing, causing me to fall over from shock.

As Susie and Lancer talked to Kris and Ralsei, I steadied myself back to my feet, all the pent up anger from earlier starting to boil up.

Alright, enough is enough! These two are getting on my god damn nerves! I saw Susie pull out her ax and Lancer hop onto his bike, Kris pulling out their sword as well.

"Move, I need to beat the shit out of some entitled children." My voice was a deep growl and I took a place between Kris and Ralsei. Ralsei looked concerned at my extremely irritated demeanor while Kris didn't react, as usual.

Our turn was first, and I was quick to launch two spirals of hearts at Susie and Lancer, a signature attack of the heart court. Susie blocked the blow to Lancer, taking both hits herself. I growled as it seemed to have no affect on her, my rage beginning to grow more and more. I heard Kris say something to Ralsei, but I paid it no mind, readying myself to attack once again.

That is, until a soothing lullaby started to fill the air. Susie fell asleep almost immediately, and I could tell I wasn't far behind.

As much as I tried to fight it, I soon fell to my knees and the world went black.

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