Chapter Eleven: Mending Bridges

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"Are you alrig—"

"Fuck off and leave me to die." I turned my head away from him and folded my arms across my chest. No way am I looking to him for help. Not when it was his fucking fault I was put at death's door in the first fucking place.

"Place your pride to the side, you don't wish a visit from the Grim Reaper so soon. You said it yourself, you fought for years to stay alive." I winced at that. He was right and I fucking hated that he was. I didn't move from my spot, lowering my eyes to the floor. The whole room was silent, almost suffocatingly silent.

That is until I let out a yelp of surprise from suddenly being picked up.

"What the fuck?!"

"Silence yourself. You'll alert more guards that you're escaping this cell." I finally met his eyes and mentally cursed myself for feeling my heart jump. His face had definitely matured over the past fifteen years, most noticeably being two new scars over his eyes.

I huffed and folded my arms across my chest, shutting my eyes tightly to keep myself from looking at him again. I felt wind starting to whirl around me and heard bells ringing in my ears. It only lasted for a few moments before I was set down, opening my eyes as a result. The two of us were standing in front of the elevator, which was open and waiting for us.

I stepped in and slammed the button for the entrance floor, hoping that the doors would close before Jevil could come in. Sadly, I didn't get my wish. At least he respected my space, standing on the opposite side of the elevator. I leaned against my side of the elevator and stared up at the ceiling, my ears dropping down behind me. The suffocating silence between us was quick to come back, but I refused to say anything.

Don't trust anyone who stabs you in the—

"You've grown into such a beautiful woman." I jumped once the silence was broken, quickly lowering my head down to meet Jevil's gaze. He had his familiar gentle smile on his face, his hollow eyes softer than they were moments ago. I felt a twang in my heart I hadn't felt in years and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, well, you would have seen me grow up if you didn't go bonkers." That struck a cord and his tail drooped, a pained look crossing his face.

"I wished that I could have been there for you while you were struggling as you did... my dive into insanity was not voluntary, and not something that one can control. I don't know why I am in my right mind as of now, but I am grateful I could talk to you like we used to, even if just one more time." My eyes widen a bit but I forced myself to remain calm, despite my loudly beating heart. It's been years, and yet my heart hasn't changed at all. Fifteen years. Fifteen years of change, hate, distrust, and learning to never hold out my heart to another... and yet my feelings for the jester hadn't changed.

Yeah like hell I'm letting him know that.

"Yeah yeah... wait, you said it's uncontrollable? Isn't there something we can do to keep the episodes from happening?" Jevil shook his head, sighing.

"None that I know of. I tried everything in my moments of sanity, and my mind is far too broken for any sort of rep—"

"Cut the shit." He jumped at my vulgar language. I stepped away from the wall and grabbed his shoulders tightly, keeping eye contact with him as I continued to talk. "Don't you fucking start with the I give up talk. You were the one always telling me to never give up no matter what, never to jump to conclusions, and to keep going no matter what happens. I'm not gonna let you stand here and be the biggest hypocrite I've ever fucking met. We will figure something out, I don't give a damn what we have to do. I may not be able to forgive you for these injuries or for leaving my life for so long, but I'm not going to make you go through so much mental torture without fighting to break you out of it."

He was silent and frozen, not even his tail was moving. It was a few moments of frozen silence before I sighed and relaxed my grip on his shoulders, only to be met with a tight hug. I flinched at the sudden contact, both from surprise and from my still healing wounds.
"Thank you rabbit of hearts..." his voice was wobbly, and I felt something wet on my shoulder. He was... crying. He never cried in front of me. After an awkward moment of him crying while I stood frozen like a statue, he pulled away and wiped his eyes, the ding of the elevator reaching the floor snapping us out of our moment. I shook my head to snap me out of it, grabbing Jevil's hand and pulling him towards the entrance. There was only one guard on patrol and it was quite easy to get past them.

"I assume you have a plan?" Jevil spoke up once we left the castle, seeming a bit surprised by the environment around him. I don't blame him. He vanished, locked away I guess, before the whole kingdom fell to shambles.

"Yeah. I know someone who can possibly help us. Someone who's helped me a lot, even if we were never close."

"And that would be?" I had a small smile on my face, turning to face him.

"Seam." The look of shock and horror on his face was the best payback for the stinging pain in my stomach.


This was fun to write!

"I Do Wonder, What Happened To That Jester...?" [A Jevil X Female Reader Story]Where stories live. Discover now