Chapter 8

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"... So yeah, that was maybe two hours ago...?" Sonic was saying to his eager listeners, "Then we got here and the rest is history."

The party took a moment to let Sonic's story sink. No time was afforded for catching up as the threat of Robotnik, though for a blissful moment completely forgot, still loomed over the world.

The effect Sonic's return had on the atmosphere of the safehouse was as immediate as it was substantial. Though Amy had managed to dispel the air of uncertainty and apprehension, Sonic's aura elevated the party, introducing excitement and even a genuine happiness. His movements, assisted as they were by the prostheses, were as graceful as ever, his laughter twinkled and sighed in gales across the room, and his eyes were clear and gleaming.

"Right," Said he, "let's get down to business."

Amy watched as Sonic's natural aptitude for leadership declared itself. Everyone in the room turned to him, waiting on his next word – they would follow him anywhere. In herself, she tasted an unexpected note of resentment. Though of course she was happy that Sonic had returned, she couldn't help but feel like her assignment to second fiddle was all but confirmed.

Sensitive to the shift in power, Jet spoke now.

"With respect Sonic, I think it's best if Amy takes point on this mission."

Everyone looked over at the azure hedgehog, expecting a flash of confusion. Instead, to their own surprise, they were met with relief.

"I think that best too. Thank you, Amy." Sonic said.

Far back, before the events of any of these past months, Sonic had quietly thought to himself that his role as leader of Sonic Team was folly. The pressures, the meetings, the business deals – none of it had ever appealed to him.

They were all so young when Sonic Team was formed and he found himself in the leader's position by virtue of being the most physically gifted. It's not that he ever disliked it, rather, he just never found fun in it, and privately, wished someone would relieve him of the burden.

The events on Attu Island brought this to a head and during his flight to Paris had dreaded taking up his station once more. How pleased he was, then, to find that the sentiment was echoed vice versa in none other than Amy Rose.

And so, the transition of power was smooth and agreeable.

For the next hours they rehearsed their plan – every player had a pivotal role in the success of the operation and each task was specially suited to the creature applying it. The only way Robotnik would fall was with a precise coordinated strike. A titanic effort, focused on displacing the Master Emerald, that would be begun and finished in the span of seconds.

"How will we find that monster?" asked Rouge to the group.

"I can trace the energy signatures of the Chaos Emeralds with this."

Wave produced a scanning device scarcely bigger than her palm with a large antenna and a pulsing screen.

"Huh," breathed Sonic, "That's just like the ones Tails had."

"Who do you think gave me this one?" The swallow replied with a sad smile.

A moment passed as they remembered their departed colleague. Amy asked Wave:

"Do you know where Robotnik is now?"

"Southern Algeria."

"The Sahara..." Amy whispered.

"Prior to this I was getting readings from all over the world – every few hours he was jumping from one destination to the next."

"Do you think..." Wondered Knuckles "He's waiting for us?"

The words passed the room.

"It's a possibility." Amy said at last. "Alas, we have no choice but to meet him. We must fly now."

The group affirmed the order.

The last moments at the Paris safehouse were spent with equal parts dread and excitement. They were away now to reckon with death, and were bonded ever closer for it. No more prejudices or past insults stood between them. They stood tall and proud, shoulder to shoulder, as equals, in the calm before the storm.

This was Team Hero!

Soon, they were aboard Wave's flying ship, aimed for Algeria.

The flight was spent mostly in silence. Rouge and Wave shared the cockpit, guiding the craft to its destination, while Jet, Knuckles and Storm prepared themselves for the task ahead. Sonic, meanwhile, searched for Amy.

He found her at a window – her eyes closed as the craft weaved through pillars of titanium white cloud. He approached her apprehensively.

"Amy?" The word sounded small.

Amy cracked her eyes, and upon seeing who approached, closed them again.

"Amy, I want to apologise for the way I treated you in Switzerland..."

She sighed.

"Sonic, it's alright. You were a mess."

"No! That's no excuse! I was selfish, and spoke to you, not from my heart, but from my injured pride... I'm sorry."

Amy looked into those clear emerald eyes. There was a time when being the sole object of Sonic's attention would have sent shivers of glee up and down her spine, but now, she found herself squirming under it. The awkward love they had shared, the hurt feelings, this serious apology – she just wanted it to be over.

She smiled at him,

"Sonic, you're my best friend. You can say whatever you like to me, but I'll always love you, and I'll always be there for you."

Sonic smiled, tears in his eyes.


The two hedgehogs hugged each other until a siren sounded.

It was time. 

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