Locois Strixulso

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A hooded figure made its way through the stormy streets of the kingdom of Krethage. Weaving in and out of the throngs of people on the streets. Lightening cracked across the sky as they ducked into a dilapidated building from a back alley. A wooden sign hung above the door just barely visible, only illuminated by the blinding streaks of lightning. 'Snapdragons & Toadstools' it read. In the crack of the closing door, pale blond hair could be seen.

Miles away a set of twins are born, to a crying mother and an absent father in an alley tucked away in the forgotten part of town. The first one has a mound of curly black hair and golden eyes the color of leaves in autumn. He screams and cries, his small, yet shrill voice echoes off the walls of the sides of the alley, then the second baby comes and he has a small puff of colorless hair and crimson eyes. He tries to cry but no sounds come out of his mouth. He continues to scream his silent screams as their mother holds them in her arms and sobs, whispering soft apologies and prayers as the light fades from her eyes and the babies are left alone in the dark.

A young red haired woman is making her way home when she hears the crying. Its a baby's cry that much she is sure of. She follows the sound to find two naked, bloody babies, their mother long since had left the world. Without hesitating she wraps them both in her coat and continues on her way home, babies held close to her chest.

It would be 7 long years before anyone in the kingdom of Krethage would catch sight of the mysterious woman. She would walk into a flower shop with two chubby young boys in tow and speak to the florist in hushed words. Then she would leave as quickly as she had appeared.

Only a single red rose in hand.

 A week later the florist would disappear, never to be seen again

A new king has taken over the kingdom. He is cruel and rules with an iron thumb and anyone who disobeys is to be arrested, tried, and executed. Deep in the castle the new king takes out his frustrations on his children. They are to obey, no questions asked. His eldest son, a boy with hair as dark as the midnight sky and eyes of sapphire, tries to escape the hell that is the castle. Hes caught by the king and as a punishment he's cursed and locked in the dungeon. The king then sends out his soldiers to seize all magical items and magic is banned from the kingdom. 10 years pass and the prince is forgotten.

Then, a man is arrested for openly using magic in the town center. 


"Ugh, Didn't anyone ever teach you manners?" A young man with golden eyes scolds a guard that drags him by his right arm, his hands being tied behind his back. The left shoulder of his shirt is stained with drying blood. He hisses in pain and stumbles forward as the guard comes to an abrupt halt and turns to look at him. If looks could kill the man was sure he'd already be dead.

"They did. But dirty witches don't deserve to be treated with respect" he snarled and yanked harshly on the man's arm and shoved him forward into a metal cell. He stumbled and landed on the stone floor with a thump and a groan. The sound of metal on metal echoes throughout the underground dungeon. Waiting for the guards footsteps to fade away he painfully and carefully forces himself to sit up and observe where he'd been placed. It was small, probably only big enough for the young man to lie down on the floor, and there was a bucket in the far corner of the cell. The man elected not to think about what that was for. He peered around, looking into the other cells and finding most of them empty, save for one other cell on the other side of the room. Inside the cell there was a boy who looked to be about his age. His hair was long and dark and messy, and he was sitting with his knees pulled up. He looked like he'd been here for a while. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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