The First Day

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The excitement was obviously all over the house.  He and siblings woke up at the exact same time, 4:27am. They were all ready to leave by 6:45 am, the only hold up, Kaitlyn. "Oh my God, what is taking that woman so long to get here?" "Calm your hormones Ty." snickered my little sister Tammy. Tammy is two years younger than he is but they were coincidentally born on the same day. Tyrone's parents had the bright idea that she would be a good birthday present, normal parents would've gotten their son a toy not a human being. When Kaitlyn finally arrived he just said good morning when he entered the car and thank you when he left. He met all of his fellow classmates and a few other people were gathered under our usual hang out spot, the sapodilla tree. Later that morning,  the teacher finally opened the doors to the classroom. After spending about 2 hours in the classroom with the teacher it turned out that she was not that bad. She actually cares about the wellbeing of her students. All day the sun was smoldering. In biology class they were put in groups of four, fortunately for Tyrone got Ray and Kris in his group but the other member was the class clown, David who could be useful when he wants too. Afterschool as Tyrone went to pick up Tyler, he noticed that his sister and father had already gotten him, so he just headed to car. We ran some errands and as soon as he got home he slept like a rock after completing his chemistry assignment.

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