-Fixing the broken pieces. [Chapter 47]

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CHAPTER FORTY SEVEN- Fixing the broken pieces.

Ashley’s POV:

“So he ignores you for two weeks, and then out of the blue suddenly he’s snogging some other girl at a club?”

Justin clarified as he took another sip of his beer. The man likes his beer. Every time someone said it, it just made it sound even worse. And a few times, I found myself almost feeling defensive. I wanted to tell them that it wasn’t like that, and that he had been nicer to me in the two weeks than they were making out, but the reality was, he hadn’t. And I still didn’t know why. I called him so many times, I tried, I really did. But as the time moved on, it just got more and more blatant that he was ignoring me on purpose. Like at the end of the day when I rushed home from work so I could still make our scheduled time to Skype, and he wouldn’t be online. And then when I text him telling him to go online, he didn’t, and he would never reply to the text either. Maybe his phone is broke, I assured myself at first. But then I started creeping on his twitter more often, just to see, what was going on, and sure enough there would be a tweet via IPhone. So then I’d call him, and what would happen? It’d go to voicemail. So I’d leave one, stating simply for him to call me back when he had time, or to just drop me a text if he was too busy, and that I was worried about him, considering it was not like him to be out of constant contact with me. But no, he never did call back, text back, or give me any type of reassurance that he was even getting my messages. So that was my next conclusion: He’s not receiving my messages. So I text him on Mallory’s phone, and did he reply? No. I called him on Mallory’s phone, did he call back or at least text asking what I wanted? No. So then I started to get pretty mad, but as always, I was more hurt and disappointed than mad. I always was. I could never be mad at him for very long, it was just one of those things. No matter how much of a dick he was I could never hold a grudge. Maybe it’s those eyes, or maybe it’s just what comes with being ridiculously in love with him. Either way, I couldn’t stay mad.

But then there were the pictures on the internet. That was a different story. At the time of his intoxication, I was aware he was drinking, and that he was pretty damn drunk. That didn’t bother me, I mean, as long as he’s having fun, right? And as long as he’s okay, since he’s tend to be a bit stupid when he’s drunk. But the type of fun I was hoping he was having was not the type it turned out to be. And that was, snogging some redhead with glasses that I didn’t recognise in a club. He was drunk, wasted even; I know it was a mistake. And I know that he deeply regrets it and that he’s sorry. But that doesn’t make it instantly better. How do I know that these two weeks where he hasn’t been speaking to me he hasn’t been with this girl? I know he’s not the cheating type –despite the pictures – but I just don’t know. And how am I supposed to trust him now? I can’t trust him; at least it doesn’t feel like it. It was just, it was so unexpected. Niall though, Niall. I just never expected it from him. I know he does stupid things when he’s drunk, I’ve been with him when he is enough times to know that; and even though he probably wasn’t thinking straight and had no idea what he was doing somehow, that still didn’t make it okay. Being drunk doesn’t make you forget everything in your life; he wouldn’t have forgotten that he was supposed to be in a relationship with me. So did he just think I wouldn’t find out? In a way, I kind of wanted to talk to this girl, whoever she was, not to have a go at her, because it probably wasn’t her fault. Although I kind of hope it was, it probably isn’t. But to just get her side of the story. I mean, did she know him? Or was she just a random girl who happened to be in the same club as my wasted boyfriend?  I didn’t know a lot, only what I’ve been provided by the tabloids and all the gossip sites. There’s no point asking Niall, because he doesn’t remember, and if he does, he’s not exactly offering up very much detail.

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